GUNMM PSX: Lonely Angel Fanfic written by Cris Gomez Gally played a lonesome tune on her harmonica as the cool night air washed over her 5 ft tall, metal body. The wind ruffled her shoulder length black synthetic hair. Her poncho protected her seemingly childlike body from any minor erosion from the desert dust or wind. A warm fire crackled beside her as she sat under a cloudless night with the sky blazing with stars. Her two companions listened in silence as they performed their own tasks. The first, Mr. Raight, was a big man with gray eyes and dark hair. His crinkled, weathered face and slight, receding hairline mad him look older than his true age. He had carried his big monster gun, a missilebee shotgun with a multiple lock system, as if it was a toothpick in his hand. He was a retired town sheriff who had volunteered to join her. Gally had discovered that Mr. Raight was bored with retirement and wanted one final ride into the wastelands, That the ride in question might possibly prove to be fatal didn't seem to bother him. The second, a man named Errol, was a tall man, but unlike the bulky Mr. Raight, he had a slightly less muscular build. He had yellow, rising hair, spectacles, and a pale complexion. Those familiar features disturbed Gally. In dim light he could easily be mistaken for Ido, the man who had first found her, repaired her, and treated Gally like his own daughter. Even his duster although brown and western styled was similar in make to Ido's old grey coat. Gally was filled with bittersweet memories whenever she looked at or thought of the almost total stranger in front of her. She found the odd protective feeling this created in her somewhat troubling. He was no doctor or mechanical genius like Ido. From the information she had gathered at her last stop, Errol was some kind of warrior-priest, a gunslinger for hire who hunted the mutants and other "hellspawn" of the wastelands. Gally discreetly peered at him as she continued playing. She couldn't tell if he was praying or meditating. She ended the song, sighed and lay down on her sleeping bag and staring at the stars. She was a cyborg, half-man, half-machine, unlike her two obviously human companions. She had come from the east, sent by her masters from the great sky city of Zalem. She had traveled beyond the great western mountains, to hunt down, and destroy one of her master's secrets, which had managed to escape them, an experimental cyborg, the N1-Spiderstalker. It was an assassin borg, which according to her original mission briefing possessed the unique ability to generate lesser copies of itself, an ability which she had to face over the past weeks. She had been warned not only of its precise killing power, but also of its incredible stealth, but so far the only trace of the Spiderstalker Gally had been in contact with were the 2 to 3 feet tall mushroom head shaped, mechanical copies which has been harassing her on her journey. Gally had been the only one sent. She was the Tuned, an agent filled to the brim with Zalem technology, coupled with her incredible fighting ability made her the only one powerful enough, and expendable enough to send on this mission. Gally grimaced as she listened to the faint internal electron clock for the bomb placed inside her which would explode if she did not succeed or never return to Zalem. A tracking device implanted in the N1-Spiderstlaker allowed her to follow it. The spiderstalker's sensors seemed to be able to sense her as well. She had been dodged bye minispiders all along her journey. She had kept a few of their mushroom like heads as trophies. This action had given her a warm welcome at her last stop Kellytown. The town had suffered sporadic assaults for the last week from the minispiders, and when they learned of her mission they eagerly came to her assistance especially when Mr. Raight had offered to guide her. She had gained the former sheriff as a guide, and a warrior-priest as a comrade-in-arms. Right now her tracker told her that she was only a few hours away from her target. Tomorrow thought Gally my mission ends. * * * * * The 3 warriors set out at dawn. By mid-morning they had passed the last canyon rise, and so Gally saw their ultimate destination for the first time. It was an incredibly deep depression, which seemed to leave a scar in the earth, as if something big fell out of the sky, and blasted the earth into a deep hole. The sun was high overhead but deep shadows still covered the deep circular canyon before her. Gally looked at her guide Mr. Raight with one eyebrow raised. "That there's Dawson's Folly. Let's get some shade first, and I'll tell you the story Ms. Gally," spoke Mr. Raight. Mr. Raight seemed to move more lively now while he led them to an outcropping of rock, which offered protection from the sun. Gally noted that Errol seemed disturbed by the sight before him. His face had gone suddenly pale, and after a quick glance refused to look at the canyon hole. They hunched down on a shadowy outcropping, and a grinning Mr. Raight began his story. "A hundred years ago more or less, on a clear starry night just like last night, Hell came down from the sky. It was a meteor even bigger than Kellytown. It hit the earth so hard that Pecos Bill woke up and danced with the tornadoes, and Noah got a sore back, and sent floods all over the place. We used to have the Grace river near Kellytown, but the girl just upped and ran away when the meteor hit." Mr. Raight nodded his approval when Gally kept quiet and listening. Father Errol in the meantime seemed to have glazed into a trance. "Anyways after that the mutants started to appear. Nasty things like nothing people have ever seen before. Demons people called em. The more superstitious folks thought the darn thing had hit the earth so hard that Satan himself had left hell to check on who was bringing his ceiling down. The more rational folks theorized that the rock had some kind of weird, powerful radiation that was causing the mutations." "Then along came the biggest, meanest, richest and ugliest son-of-a-bitch to ever walk on God's good green earth. His name was Dawson Burn. He was the mayor, owner, and king of what was once the richest, and most powerful city hereabouts, Spring City." "You see Spring City was the city of cities because of one thing. It had the only fully functional nuclear power plant in the wastelands. Now it's just a radioactive ruin populated by mutant apes, Simps we call em. It's about a week's travel past Kelly Town." Mr. Raight pointed vaguely to the northeast of Kelly Town. "Now The Burn family had owned that there power plant for many generations. They say one of his ancestors had it built long ago, a fella by the name of Monty. And with it they were the Kings of all that they surveyed. Now when word got out that the meteorite was maybe radioactive, Dawson wanted it for himself. He was afraid that somebody would steal his meteorite, and start their own power plant." Mr. Raight chuckled. "So he got himself a huge army, and a pack of scientific people, and marched on right over here. Still he didn't expect what was waiting to try and stop him. Hordes of monsters seemed to pop out overnight, goblins, lizardmen, walking cacti, walking armor, I mean literally. There was nothing inside the armors. They say his army even had to fight dragons." Errol hid a smile in his mouth by coughing. Mr. Raight glared daggers at Errol, " It's true I tell you. And don't interrupt me," said Mr. Raight spitting into the sand. "Anyways, Dawson Burn wasn't the type of man to let a little thing like the hordes of the abyss get in his way. He fought on. He recruited more men, bought more arms, and supplies, and had any man who tried to run away fed to his nuclear reactor back at Spring City." "And in the end Dawson won thru, and when he finally got here he found the depression you see here, plus the weirdest, biggest, green glowing rock that anybody had ever seen. Success at last made Mr. Burn a happy man, but then he got the bad news. His head scientist, a poor fool by the name of Smithers told him that they couldn't detect any radiation. If there was any then it wasn't detectable or usable by the technology they still had around. That got Dawson's blood pressure up pretty fast, he immediately shot up his chief scientist pretty good, all of Smithers bones were turned to powder cause he got hit by so many bullets." "After that Burn soon made an important discovery. If someone was in physical contact with the meteorite for too long they turned into monsters. There was usually no trace of their human selves, which is why I say monsters instead of mutants. He decided that there were possibilities for monster ranching with this new discovery." "He built a ranch/research facility here to study the meteorite, and he also sent a big chunk of the rock back to Spring City for research. After a few weeks he finally found out how to make money out of his piece of rock. It seemed that when the mutants created by the meteor died, some unknown internal process, and chemicals in their bodies caused them to leave some incredible stuff. Liquids that could cure any wound or sickness, metal or gem pieces that could make armor or weapons stronger, and even feathers that could bring back the dead. It looked like Dawson Burn had hit paydirt. He started turning cattle, and criminals into monsters for harvesting." Mr. Raight noticed that Gally's body had gone rigid, and she too was covering her mouth but his only response was an exasperated grin. "Anyways after about a year of raking in the gold, a messenger arrived here with bad news. Spring City had been destroyed." Mr.Raight then paused for the dramatic impact of his words. Gally, and Errol craned their necks to listen. " The way the story went was that everybody who lived or worked near the hunk of rock Mr. Dawson sent back to Spring City, his family, his laborers, scientists, and neighbors got turned into monsters in one cloudless night just like last night." "Dawson went mad with rage. They say he sealed whatever was left of the meteorite with piece of a holy blue orb, which he found among the ruins. Then he got an even bigger army than the one before, and attacked Spring City. He lost, the monsters there were more powerful. Rather than let the monsters have his city, he blew himself up by setting off the self-destruct system of his own nuclear plant. The explosion finished whatever was left of Spring City." "People began calling this deep scar in the earth Dawson's Folly. Now when some bizarre new mutant shows up, folks say that the thing must have gotten too close to Dawson's Folly. And that's the end of the story Ms. Gally." Gally nodded." How long can we stay down there before we are transformed as well?" Mr. Raight looked thoughtful."I can't really say, but I'm betting that Father Errol over here can answer that. The stories say he was here 5 years ago." Gally twisted her mouth slightly, then slowly addressed Mr. Raight first, " First, I prefer to be called Gally, is that understood Mr.?" Mr.Raight tried to look at Gally with hurt, puppy eyes, but his old face just made him look like a prune. Gally abruptly stood up, and turned away. She didn't like this, this growing sense of camaraderie that was growing between all three of them. She worked alone. Anyone who was close to her or worked with her always died or left her. These two, no matter how seasoned, and tough they seemed, they would die too, just like all the others. Gally clamped down hard on her despair, and loneliness. She had a mission to complete. Besides imaginary, emotional pains were for the weak, and she was strong, so strong, she really didn't need anyone. Gally abruptly spun around, "Do we understand each other Mr.Raight?" This time Gally's eyes were dead, and here voice held only uncaring frost. "Of course Gally, of course," spoke Mr.Raight, he unconsciously ruffled his hair for lice. Gally turned to Father Errol, and spoke in the same cold voice, "Errol, tell me what you know, and I want you to make it short, and to the point." Mr. Raight just shook his head, while Errol seemed totally unruffled; in fact he seemed to have fallen into a trance. Errol spoke, "We were six, and our mission was to break up a smuggling operation which dealt in stolen goods. Their trail led us here." We didn't find the smugglers, but we never heard from them again either. We were attacked underground by a demon. A giant blue moleman with a lantern, and a knife." He suddenly looked at them with eyes on fire. "Don't let the knife touch you, or your dead or you soon will be." "We got past them, and the other demons, but then we saw her, we saw mother. The others didn't understand, so she killed them. I was the only one who walked out of their alive." Father Errol abruptly grinned brightly at his two other companions. "But know it's time to settle things, lets go." Father Errol stood up and began to walk down the canyon incline. Both Gally, and Mr. Raight looked at his rapidly moving form with clouded eyes. Finally Gally spoke," He's right. Let's settle things," and they both quickly moved in step beside him. * * * * * Gally moved without pause down the scar in the earth. When her companions flinched at the abrupt change from the hot morning light to cold shadowy night, she didn't even break a step. Within the hour they were in front of Dawson's Folly. Gally frowned at the scene in front of her. The gates, and perimeter walls were too broken to be any obstacle, but past them there seemed to be only one solid entrance, a gaping hole partially blocked by debris where the entrance of the main inner building of used to be. Her senses screamed caution, and Gally obliged by starting to prep her tuned seeker rifle for battle. Her two companions also did likewise with their respective weapons. Gally cocked her ears. A tap, tap sound could be heard which quickly grew in number, and volume. Then the minispiders burst out of the entrance. Gally uncocked an energy grenade, and lobbed it as her companions started spraying lead, and plasma with their shotguns. The explosion brought the ceiling down, blocking the entrance. Then Gally heard the tap, tap sound again, to the left, and to the right. Gally scowled, they were planning to surround her group. Gally's sensors started detecting a powerful energy surge from the blocked entrance. "Everybody back, the entrance is going to blow," screamed Gally. The three of them ran pell mell toward the perimeter wall as the blocked entrance blew apart sending chunks of rock flying. A stray rock hit Father Errol in the back causing him to collapse. Gally picked him up with ease, but stopped as she saw the huge ram-horned, demon in front of the main building. " I am Efreet, and you shall not pass me," roared the demon. Minispiders approached from the left, and right of the embattled trio. Mr.Raight shouted,"Gally, defeat Efreet, and use his power or we're all dead." Gally didn't know what Mr.Raight was blathering about, but she saw no other options if she wanted her two companions to survive. Loweing Father Errol gently to the ground, she then started a zigzag leaping charge toward Efreet. Efreet responded by lobbing fireball after fireball in her direction. The ground behind the charging cybergirl quickly became a flaming inferno. Gally roared as she leapt at Efreet in a spinning arc. Her combat knife glowed red hot as it slashed through the demon's throat. Landing quickly, Gally looked up eyes wide as she saw that Efreet's throat appeared unharmed. Efreet grinned at her as the area around her exploded into a ball of fire. Gally was blasted upwards, and then crashed to the ground. Efreet launched one his hands forward to crush the fallen battle angel. Gally growled as she flipped into a standing position immediately. She grabbed one of Efreet's grasping fingers, and broke it with an audible snap. Efreet screamed. "That hurt little one," snarled Efreet, his eyes lost their focus, and he nursed his injured arm close to his chest. Behind her Mr. Raight cradled the fallen Father Errol while he cut loose. His missilebees shot forward wrecking havoc on the advancing minispiders. He winced slightly as the fires around him slowly began to creep forward causing him to sweat, and cough from the lack of air. Gally dived into Efreet's flames. She felt her entire body heat up, but simply ignored the sensation. Her splash kick caught Efreet by surprise, sweeping him off his feet, and Gally quickly gutted him while he was down, her knife hand slashing from crotch to throat with her combat knife, which was starting to turn to slag. Leaping off him, Gally gritted her teeth as she saw that he again seemed to be unharmed. Again a circular explosion blasted Gally off her feet. Most of her clothing had been burned off, as well as her gear. She quickly set-up her only weapon with the capability of withstanding all but the hottest flames. Her Damascus blade gleamed in her hands as she charged again. Gally thought. This thing can be hurt. It just seems to heal too quickly. I'll just have to hurt it faster. Gally moved in close, her arms started to jolt with crackling electricity. She braced herself as if preparing for an impact. Unfortunately Efreet wasn't interested, and moved back, while throwing fireballs at her. Gally somersaulted over them with ease. Perhaps I shouldn't have broken his finger, thought Gally, inwardly smiling crookedly. Gally suddenly sprawled face first into the ground as if she had accidentally tripped on something. Efreet saw his chance, and crashed his fist downward to finish her. At the last moment Gally got up to her knees and blocked with her sparking forearms. Efreet was stunned by the lightning jolt. Perfect Block thought Gally smirking. And then she executed an unrelenting, Continuous Whirlwind Scythe attack with her blade, her dance would have put whirling dervish wind to shame until finally Efreet's form faded, leaving behind a glowing red stone, and a small leather sack. Efreet's voice popped into Gally's mind. "You have defeated me, I will serve you." Gally grasped the stone, knowledge crystallized in her mind, materia not stone echoed a new memory in her mind. And Gally cried, "Efreet I summon you." Gally saw herself, and her companions vanish. She could still see the battlefield, but it was as if she wasn't really there, a step out of place were the words she was searching for. Then Efreet appeared in all his glory seemingly unaffected by their earlier battle. An inferno of fire appeared, and out of that fire emerged the huge, green-red skinned, ram-horned creature known as Efreet. The remaining minispiders were all engulfed in a sea of flames, incinerating them instantly. Then Efreet faded out while the three warriors reappeared. Gally quickly went to Errol's side. "What's wrong with him? And what's wrong with you?" Gally gazed at both of them with clouded eyes. Both of them seemed so pale. "Poison," was Mr. Raight's reply as he showed where spike marks from the minispiders had hit both of them. "Poison is it! Then look in my pack for the vials marked remedy," spoke a now conscious Father Errol in a weak voice. Gally rummaged through the pack, and quickly administered the vials to the two sick men. Then Gally spoke in a disappointed tone, "Mr. Raight you knew about Efreet." Mr. Raight massaged his scalp, "Not really, I've heard stories of monsters coming out of shiny stones during Dawson's time. It's just that that particular story was too unbelievable even for me so I didn't mention it. Sorry Gally." Then Gally rounded on Father Errol, and produced a purple glowing materia, "What is this doing in your pack?" Father Errol's eyes turned round as saucers, "It's mine, give it to me, mother gave it to me," he wailed trying ineffectually to grab it from Gally's clenched fist. He didn't stop even when it became obvious that Gally was too strong, and his faced started to turn red with effort, and pain. "Answer me," shouted Gally in Errol's face. But He just ignored her, and kept on trying to remove the stone. His face contorted, and he seemed to have a problem breathing. All Gally saw was Ido in her mind's eye dying before her eyes, and by her hands. She abruptly dropped the materia stone, spun around, and began to walk toward the scorched building entrance. "I'm going in, and finishing my mission. The two of you do whatever you want, just don't get in my way." * * * * * Gally was unsure that whether to be happy or worried that Mr. Raight and Father Errol had quickly followed her. There was no trace of his earlier hysteria, which Gally considered an improvement. Father Errol quickly took charge, "I'll lead, I know the way down." The priest led them surely thru the basement to a cavern complex underneath. Underground unusual rocky growths gave enough light to see by. Although Gally's senses occasionally picked up the minispider's tap, tap sound nothing came forward to attack them. Errol paused in the middle of one set of caves, and led them inside. They found crates covered in dust, broken furniture, and rusted equipment. "These were the stolen goods taken from a supply train, which we were sent to recover," Errol pointed in the general direction. Errol then walked over to a cylindrical rock formation, and firmly pressed his hands against it. With a Whsss sound the cylinder rock revolved to reveal a deckman! A metallic cylinder with large, fleshy lips, metallic eyes, and a spindly metal hand smiled at them, "Greetings, do you wish to make a transaction?" Gally frowned. Any money or sellable gear that she possessed had been destroyed earlier. Father Errol fished a clinking bag out of his pack, and placed it on the deckman's outer table. "Repairs, and equipment for Gally." Errol waved his hand in Gally's direction, his face grinning. Gally smiled back. "What type of coins are these?" Gally inspected the coins. Only the words FF, and Square were printed on the coins as well as a picture of a giant bird. "They are called Gil coins Gally," responded Father Errol. "Efreet dropped this bag when you defeated him. You were too focused on the Efreet materia to notice." Errol smiled although his eyes started to return to their familiar dazed look. Gally nodded. She remembered the small sack from the earlier battle. The deckman spoke in a rushed cheerful tone, "The coins are equivalent to 100,000 chips. Do you wish to make a transaction?" Gally responded, "one full repair kit, 2 canned goods, one plasma maximum, and 3 energy grenades, I believe that's the equivalent of 100,000 chips," Gally said the last almost as a challenge. But the Deckman only nodded. After taking the money, it produced the sold items, and handed them to the Cybergirl. Gally promptly administered the full repair kit on herself, completely restoring her health, her clothing, and her combat knife. Before the deckman could speak again, Gally said, "no more transactions," and the deckman revolved back into the rock. Gally gave Father Errol, and Mr. Raight a canned good each to munch on. The wounds on them vanished, and they were back to full health. "Father Errol, would you please lead again?" asked Gally smiling. "Of course Gally, now I will take you to mother," spoke Father Errol who's face had gone into a complete trance again. The answer chilled Mr. Raight's blood, and created goosebumps in Gally's spine. * * * * * Father Errol lead them unerringly downward, deeper, and deeper into the earth. He also seemed to know when they should move out of sight when a band of bizarre monsters came near. Through it all Gally's enhanced hearing heard the steady tap, tap sound of the minispiders keeping pace with them. We are heading where the enemy wants us to go, we are heading towards a trap thought Gally. But still she did not stop Father Errol, and simply followed warily. Just outside the entrance of a large cavern. Father Errol motioned for them to stop, then stealthily moved forward on his own. Minutes passed, Gally set-up her Damascus blade again, while Mr. Raight made sure his missilebee shotgun's missiles were fully loaded. When Father Errol finally called from a distance for them to follow Mr. Raight spoke, "We both know it's a trap………" "You don't have to follow Mr. Raight," replied Gally. Dismissing the old man from her thoughts, she stepped forward. When Mr. Raight walked inside the cavern in step with her, it took all of Gally's willpower not to smile. * * * * * The cavern they entered was huge with deep shadows despite the light provided by the rock formations. Gally surveyed the surroundings through slitted eyes. Ahead of her to the left was the N-1 Spiderstalker but it looked mutated as strange crystalline growths covered it's entire body. It seemed to be trapped in place by the crystal. It now resembled a giant crystal spider with a mechanical skeleton visible through the crystal glass. The mushroom head visible on the minispiders rested on top of the crystallized Spiderstalker. Then Gally noted the green glowing eggs underneath the trapped spider. You escaped to find freedom, yet all you found was another kind of slavery thought Gally, gazing at the assassin bot. For a moment Gally felt pity for the thing she had been sent to kill. "Gally, thank you for coming. Mother is pleased that I brought you here," spoke Father Errol stepping out of the shadows, a manic grin on his face, his eyes this time were alive, and feverish. "Hey, what about me?" inquired Mr. Raight, a chuckle came from him despite the tense situation. "Mr. Raight, I have spoken with mother, you can leave once you have seen her face. You can leave so you can bring other strong warriors here to serve her just like I did with the great spider, and with the cybergirl." Betrayal, although expected was still a bitter pill for Gally to swallow. She gazed at the mad priest who looked just like her beloved friend Ido swallowing the urge to run or to smash that face out of existance. "I came here to do one thing," spoke Gally, and putting words to action, charged the crystal spider. "Diabolus, I summon you," screamed Father Errol holding the purple-black materia in his outstretched hand. A purple well of inky blackness blocked Gally's path. From the surrounding cavern, hordes of bats converged into the darkness, finally solidifying into a huge black humanoid form, with great bat wings spreading from behind it, and partial red armor splashed all over it's body. Gally halted in shock for the briefest of moments, then a cold, inhuman voice behind Father Errol stopped her completely. "I am very pleased with your latest offering my priest," spoke a creature somehow even more terrifying than diabolus in front of her. "Mother," spoke Father Errol. His voice generated reverence, his eyes shone bright. Gally tried in vain to comprehend what the thing was behind Father Errol. As Gally desperately tried to visualize the jelly mix of nightmare in front of her, The creature's one eyeball moving through its skin turned from Father Errol to look straight at her. "I am Jenova, but you my new daughter can call me mother." The voice was horribly out of Gally's experience, yet to Gally's mind it seemed to be trying to comfort her. Gally's mind suddenly snapped into place. And she leaped in a Wicked Spin maneuver slashing the surprised Diabolus twice, once in the shoulder, and the other thru one of its wings before somersaulting back to the ground. Diabolus just as Gally expected appeared to be unaffected by her attacks just like Efreet, but now Gally knew better. When I hit Daibolus it's power weakens. Die thought Gally to Diabolus, but it came out from Gally's mouth as a roar, "RRAAHHR." Diabolus raised its arms and an inky blackness surrounded Gally, and just as quickly vanished. Gally felt her body weaken from the attack. Some kind of drain thought Gally. Gally didn't wait for a follow-up, and attacked skywards, hitting Diabolus with a charging plasma Magnetic Barrier causing it to stumble backwards, one of its legs accidentally brushing against some of the green irradiated eggs, and shattering them. Spiderstalker screamed its outrage, and Diabolus suddenly found its backside hit by multiple, deadly acidic, poisonous spears. Deciding to turn this new development to her advantage Gally who was standing on the night demon's huge shoulder executed a Double Cut on its wings temporarily causing it to crash to the egg nest below for a few precious seconds. Spiderstalker had had enough. A deadly, accurate beam of laser pulse energy flew from the enraged crystal spider's mouth orfice, and sliced through Diabolus head right between the eyes. Diabolus was instantly enveloped in darkness, the bat horde then dispersed leaving the space where he once stood completely empty. Gally had not stopped moving since the battle began. Using the cover of the supernatural darkness, and the fleeing bat horde as a distraction to stand just in front of the egg nest, she had decided on the perfect attack to implement. To destroy what you desperately seek to protect thought Gally. "Efreet, I summon you," screamed Gally holding her red materia stone on her outstretched left hand. Efreet appeared once again, an inferno blazing from where he appeared, from his snarling visage a huge fireball appeared, which blasted forward smashing into both spider, and nest. Efreet then faded out. As Gally watched, Spiderstalker twitched in its death throes, and she smiled through clenched teeth. She had been right; Spiderstalkers' life had somehow been tied to the glowing green eggs. All of this had taken less than a minute. When Gally looked behind her, she saw Mr. Raight gazing at her, his eyes and mouth grinning. Father Errol was on his knees, his eyes wide open, she heard him repeating, "Impossible, not possible, impossible, not possible." Gally looked at the Jenova thing, which seemed to have stopped moving, and with her Damascus blade in one hand slowly began to strut forward. "Mother," spoke Gally, "I don't like being tricked." Gally's manic, clenched teeth smile did not waver an inch as she advanced. "Errol, kill her," voiced Jenova in their minds. Father Errol obediently stood up, and unslinging his plasma shotgun charged forward roaring. Gally saw Ido, her father charging forward toward her. Her concentration wavered. She blinked, and a blast of Father Errol's hyperplasma bullet from his smoking shotgun smashed into the left side of her face. Gally's left eye, and ear were gone. The left side of her face was a mess. Still being a cyborg she did not have to feel pain if she did not want too, and could have dodged the second shot which shattered her left kneecap if only the emotional turmoil inside her would just stop. "Ido," cried Gally, " why are you doing this to me?" tears of red mechanical ichor fell from her right eye. Father Errol placed his shotgun on Gally's temple. For a moment he hesitated. "I'm sorry Gally," softly spoke the warrior-priest. Multiple explosions rocked Father Errol from behind, sending him flying, and finally splattering down beside Gally. "Noooo," screamed Gally looking at the corpse beside her. "I'm sorry too Gally," spoke Mr. Raight, his eyes downcast as he lowered his still smoking missilebee shotgun. For a minute all was silent in the cavern, as hardened killer, a female cyborg cried her heart out, and tore her mind out with second-guessing. Gally thought, what if he really was Ido, what if he had amnesia, or Jenova made him forgot. Oh Ido is this you, have I lost you all over again. Then Jenova's roving eye settled on the battle angel. "You have killed my human servant cyborg, now you must take his place as my servant. Do not challenge me, even fully healed you would be no match for me. Since you are badly wounded, you have no choice but to serve me." "Shut up." Gally cried out in a lost voice. In one smooth motion she stood up, and her blade by her side began to limp menacingly toward Jenova. Jenova's voice sounded nonplused. "You cannot be serious, you still actually want to fight." Gally thought she sensed fear growing in Jenova's voice and her manic, wide, clenched smile reappeared, while a mad rage began to quickly tear through her heart screaming for vengeance. Gally screaming like a wild and hungry beast charged, flying straight for Jenova. A plasma sting followed right behind by Gally's Damascus blade cut straight through Jenova's only eye. For a moment Gally thought that she had won, Jenova seemed to sink into itself, and no retaliation appeared forthcoming. Then in her mind she heard Jenova say "Ultima." The energy blast tore into Gally sending her sprawling before Jenova's form, her weakened left leg fell away from her, and burn marks were splattered all over her body. "You should have accepted my offer, foolish girl." Contempt dripped from the small mouth orfices of Jenova as one of its tentacles prepared to fall down on the fallen metal angel before her. A shot followed by multiple explosions rocked Jenova's threatening tentacle sending pieces flying everywhere. Mr. Raight spoke, "Don't mind me, I'm just the old man here." He prepared to fire again. Again Jenova's mind voice spoke, "Bio2." Mr. Raight screamed as puddles of acidic poison fell on him sending him to his knees. "Not good enough Mother," replied Mr. Raight blasting Jenova again with his missilebee shotgun. Jenova suddenly faded away and appeared in front of Mr. Raight. "Absorb," was all the mind voice needed to say, and the old man was sucked into Jenova's innards. "Nooo," cried out Gally. She had used Mr. Raight's distraction to recharge her energy with her only plasma maximum from the deckman, but she had no repair kits to heal her damage. Gally moved desperately forward on one foot, trying to reach Mr. Raight, only her extreme agility kept her upright. Unnoticed in the cavern light her forearms began to slowly crackle with electricity. "Let Mr. Raight go," screamed Gally, she hopped, charged forward. Jenova's multiple mouths chortled. "I don't think so child, and I do mean child, my child in fact. You have proven yourself worthy. Here let your mother take care of you." Jenova's remaining tentacle reached out for Gally who had stopped, and seemed to be bracing for impact. Jenova's tentacle moved forward expecting no more resistance, sought to grasp the cybergirl before her. The extreme jolt of lightning, which tore through her from Gally's Perfect Block, left her totally stunned for the few precious seconds Gally needed. Activating her gameshark chip at near max and expending all of her plasma energy in one all or nothing attack, Gally struck Jenova with her Solenoid Gun Quench Fist attack. The attack tore Jenova apart, and before Gally's eyes Jenova faded away, leaving behind the corpse of an old man. Always alone thought Gally. Always in the end everybody dies, and leaves me all alone. Why? Why, Gally cried aloud, "WHY?" * * * * * Gally played a lonesome tune. It was a cold, cloudless, starry night again. Gally refused to think to deeply as she continued playing. She was headed back to Zalem with the Spiderstalker core brain. The gil which Jenova had left behind when it faded away had been more than enough for the repair kits, and other supplies she needed from the deckman at the thieves cavern. She had buried Mr. Raight and Father Errol in the deep cavern. She had buried the materia with them with instructions that their grave must be protected. Both Diabolus, and Efreet had mentally given their promise, and so had a huge blue moleman who stepped out of the shadows. Calling itself King Toonberry, he had claimed to be Father Errol's friend before Jenova had possessed him. He promised to watch over both of her dead companions graves. The giant moleman had hovered protectively over Gally until she reached the safety of the thieves' cavern before fading away. Enough thinking thought Gally, deeply or otherwise. She lay down on her bedroll, watched the stars above for a while then slept. THE END Author's notes: In case it isn't obvious by now this is a Final Fantasy/Gunnm psx game crossover. ^_^ Stimulus 2 for Sunburst Project An artifact from an ancient civilization – Jenova popped into my head, but I guess material or the Spring City nuclear plant will do. An advanced technological device – well Gally immediately came to mind, but since cybergirl's been on my mind lately that wasn't too surprising. Fenced or stolen goods – ack, shamelessly added the thieves' cavern just for this stimulus. Something blue – ack again, I shamelessly changed King Toonberry's color from green to blue (actually I don't remember the exact color). I guess I don't really plan what I'm going to write, I just go with a vague idea of what should happen next, is that bad? Comments, flames, feedback can be sent to Flames without tips will be returned to owners, with Jenova tentacles attached. Cris The Sunburst Project, Week 12 8/17/00