Ever had one of those dreams where you end up fighting someone you know and at the end of the dream one of you dies? No? Me either. Not. Of course I've had that kinda dream. Who doesn't? I've killed six of my best friends and only have died twice. Once from a bullet that decided that it wanted to find out if my brains really had the consistency of jello (as opposed to the common belief that my brains have a cake and cream filling context) and another by falling off a cliff in Tibet. No, I've never been to Tibet, but I've heard the weather's nice there. Anyway, I had this dream where I was kicking the crap out of a dude I knew in another friend's backyard. It ended up with me ramming his skull into the concrete wall at such a velocity that it needed to be repainted afterwards. What does it mean when this kinda stuff happens? Well, Frued says that dreams are in the most basic sense a fulfillment of a wish. Did I wish to kill my friend? Maybe. Frued also talks about other stuff like Condensation, where different elements that go into the dream get condenced into one large uberelement for easy consumption. There is also Disassociation of emotions. What one feels towards one element of the dream is disassociated with that element and reassociated with another, like feeling fairly indifferent towards being chased by rabid Godzilla cosplayers whereas feeling completely and utterly terrified of the bowl of shredded wheat put infront of you at breakfast... unless you REALLY don't like shredded wheat... So, that brings me to somethink completely different. One day, while sitting at a computer much like the one you're probably sitting at at this very moment (creepy that I know that, huh?) I was plagued by mental fatigue and physical fatigue and emotional fatigue and combat fatigue, I decided to rest my head on the keyboard for a few minutes and while I was in the middle of a deathmatch between myself and the new guy who just moved in across the way this is what it spewed forth: while(){if(/^\d+$/){$b= $c=$d=1;$_++;until($_==$c){if( $_<$c){$_+=$b+=2;}else{$c+=$d+= 2;}}$c=($d-$b++)/2;print $c, ", ",$b+$c,"\n";}else{die"\n";}} Now, I find it very interesting that my head can form such a seemingly random set of stuffs (like holding the = button and the shift button twice, in succession, prior to typing the word 'until') like this, until, that is, *until* I found out what actually happened. I am currently suffering from a very rare mental disorder that causes me to type gibberish while I'm sleeping. Yes, yes I know it's weird and you don't have to beleive me, but I tell you I'm suffering here! Majorly suffering. The social reprecussions of sleep typing are very embarassing at all night parties where one is libel to fall asleep and be woken up by a fist impacting one's face at a respectable velocity after typing out the first few pages of War & Peace on a woman's chest, or, more realistically, accidently launching nuclear warheads at former communist countries while one is asleep at the button. So, I'm asking everyone who reads this to contribute to the STS Foundation for Research and Treatment of STS, Sleep Typing Syndrom, at 4321 S. Conoley Ave. Suite 334. All donations will be put forth to cure me and those like me of our terrible terrible condition. Thank you. *Paid for by the committee to cure Sleep-Typing disorder and not by Rags, because that would probably be incrimitating. The Sunburst Project, Week 11 http://www.chaoseed.com/btr/sbp/ 6/22/00