Vengeance "You--what are you trying to do? With this--" "This tool you have created, to reach into the minds of billions--" "The *hearts* of billions!" "--has too much potential to let you waste it." "What? What higher purpose could there be than--" "Meaningless platitudes?" "How dare you call spreading happiness meaningless!" "I dare because of who I am." "I cannot believe that even *you* would be that heartless. I did not want to do this, but--" "Do what you must." A low chanting. Then a swirling of images, back past the cares of adult life, to the joyous, unencumbered days of...cliques and outcasts, storms of emotion in spasmodically expanding frames of flesh and the heavy weight of sheer opinion-- "Come on. You would challenge *me* with such a pathetic gambit?" "...I know there is happiness somewhere inside you. A memory--" "You should know me better than that." "You have to stop this. I don't know what you intend, but--" "I will continue, unless you can stop me." More whispered words. Back further, to memories of sunshine and freedom, to--unknowing but always experienced, the clutch of difference, as a young boy barred from the most basic-- "Done already? Pathetic. "...What are you trying to accomplish?" "Isn't it obvious?" "Tell me anyway." "Justice." "...Justice?" "Of course. That all be balanced." "...You will--" "You know what I will do." "I cannot allow this. There must be some memory you have--" A final plea to the world, to everything. Back, through the mists of memory to half-known dawn years, mists of sleep...Young girls beautiful as angels. With wings and halos, of felt and sparkles...and then the growing concern, confusion, but always far too late as there was nothing but ashes left... "There. Interested in my first memory, were you? Now you know. Only a dream, but it still--huh. ...Ah, well. I guess since I've had so long to get used to it..." He nudged the curled-up, whimpering form with one foot. Then he stepped past and walked on to change the world. ===== Author's note ...okay. I guess that was...pretentious. But...hell. I wrote it anyway. So there. So who are these people? Well, a while ago I had an idea for a story focusing on some people who discover magic. Everyone was based on someone I knew. That idea got eventually adapted into another story, which you may know about... So...if you thought you knew who these characters're not *that* far off... Anyway, the whole thing is sort of based on actual stuff. Some of you may have heard the 'ice cream truck' story, which inspired a particular HHH chapter...'barred from the most basic'...and so on. You can figure it out. John Evans The Sunburst Project, Week 7 4/27/00