"Alright Sandie! We're going live in 3. 2. 1!" "Good evening. I'm Sandie Carruthers reporting for Channel 19. I'm here today with the incredible Dr. Eugene Smothers, multiple Nobel Prize winner and multi-billionaire." "Flattery will get you everywhere Sandie." "First off Dr. Smothers, I'd like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to speak with us." "It was my pleasure Sandie. Please, call me Eugene." "Alright Eugune. Everyone has heard about your accomplishments. How you managed to invent efficient fusion power that is both safe and affordable, balance the national debt, create the first practical FTL communications and many other things to numerous to list in a half hour program. The question on everyone's minds is how did you do it? How did you manage to do what everyone else declared impossible?" "Well, that's very simple Sandie. I used imaginary numbers." "Could you elaborate on that Eugene?" "Well, when it comes down to it, modern physics and economics are simply matters of finding the numbers which represent reality. I made the intuitive leap, that if you could find the right numbers, you could force reality to conform to your new numbers." ===== Philip Barkow pbarkow@is2.dal.ca The Sunburst Project, Week 4 http://www.chaoseed.com/btr/sbp/ 4/6/00