"Shinichi, sit down." Shinichi turned and pouted at her, "But neechan," he whined, "the seat's all dirty." "It wouldn't be all dirty if you weren't standing in it." "But..." "Sit down and behave yourself." Yumeko glared at him out of the corner of her eye, "we're almost there." Shinichi stood and pouted at his sister but finally relented, "Mommy wouldn't make me sit down," he muttered as he finally sat down. Yumeko let the last remark slide and tried to get back to her studies. Not that she needed to study, but it was the best way she had to pass the time without thinking too long about the events from earlier today. Beware the Radish Presents A Studio Turnip Production Nightmare Fighter Yumeko Chapter 6: Pushing Away By: Ian Heafer Original Concept by: John Evans Yumeko awoke with the sun that morning. It was early, the house was silent. Carefully, she made her way across the hall to the bathroom. The swelling in her ankle had lessened, but it still screamed at her when ever she put weight on it, forcing her to limp. "Don't worry about it." She told herself, and started into her morning routine. After washing and dressing, she made her way downstairs. She slowed as she passed through the living room. Her father lay sprawled out on the couch, his head lying back over the arm rest. His mouth hung open, he was breathing heavily, snoring occasionally. Empty beer cans and snack food wrappers were thrown in a little pile on the floor about him. "Worthless pig" Yumeko grumbled under his breath, and bent down to clean up. This close to him the smell was almost unbearable, Yumeko wanted to retch. The alcohol oozed from his clammy skin. Working as quickly and quietly as she could she went about picking up what she could of the mess. She froze as Masaro seemed to stir for a moment. He leaned forward for a moment, scratched himself and grumbled something that Yumeko couldn't make out, then fell back to his prone position on the couch, snoring even louder now. Yumeko sighed and scowled at her father, then went back to picking up his garbage. Making her way into the kitchen, Yumeko started on breakfast. She was frying eggs when Shinichi made his way into the kitchen. "Morning," she called over her shoulder, "go ahead and sit down, I'll have your eggs ready in a minute." Shinichi did as he was told, and Yumeko set a plate of eggs in front of him. "Neechan," he asked, "is Daddy okay? Yumeko rolled her eyes, "I guess he wanted to sleep on the couch." She sat down across from her brother and started into her own plate of eggs. "Why does he smell funny?" Yumeko tried not to be angry with her brother, right now she just wanted to forget about the drunkard in the other room, "Maybe he worked too hard." she lied. "It's been a long week after all." Shinichi smiled, "But it's the weekend now, right?" Yumeko nodded, "That means we get to go see Mommy!" "Uh-huh. After school." Yumeko smiled for her brothers sake, but her heart wasn't really in it. Truth be told she wasn't looking forward to going to visit her mother any more than she relished the thought of staying here another night. At least it was a few nights that she wouldn't have to worry about her father. Yumeko took Shinichi's empty plate over to the sink, "Now go get ready for school, we have to leave in a few minutes. And don't forget to pack what you want to bring with you to Mom's." "Haiiiiiii." Shinichi hopped out of his chair and ran towards the steps. "Quietly! Don't wake Dad. He needs his sleep. Please?" She was almost pleading by the time she finished. Shinichi looked back at her, then walked slowly through the living room and up the stairs. Yumeko quickly finished cleaning the kitchen. She took a quick look into the living room, Masaro still had not stirred. Good. He was usually in an especially foul mood on the days that she and Shinichi went off to visit their mother. If he stayed out for just a few more minutes, she wouldn't have to deal with him at all. She quickly went through her own bag to make sure she had everything. Money for the train, her Dad was supposed to pay for their train ride, but it was usually more trouble than it was worth to get it out of him. She'd get it back from him eventually. A few personal items that she didn't keep at her mother's, her dream notebook, a change of clothes. If she forgot anything, she could manage. Shinichi came bounding into the entryway as Yumeko finished putting on her shoes. "Neechan, when does school get out? How long till we can go see mommy?" "The same time it does every day. Don't worry, we'll get there in time for supper." Yumeko was having trouble getting him to sit still while she helped him with his shoes. It was going to be a long day, having to watch Shinichi on the train all afternoon was going to be a exercise in patience. The little boy was a bundle of energy today, but then he was always like this on days that they went to visit their mother. At times Yumeko wished that she could share her brother's enthusiasm. Ah, the joys of childhood innocence... to be blissfully ignorant, at times she missed not knowing the truth about the world. "Come on, let's get going." The two came out of the house at the same time that Misako came up the walk. She walked with a slight limp, though not quite as severe as Yumeko's. "Morning," she said as she stopped and rubbed her side. "Morning Misako," Yumeko replied, "What are you doing here?" Misako put a hand behind her head, "I know we usually meet at school, but I wanted to make sure you were coming today." "Hurry Neechan!" Shinichi called, all ready outside the gate, "The sooner we get to school, the sooner it'll be over!" Yumeko and Misako trailed along behind Shinichi as he bounded down the street. After they had watched him leave with his friends, they backtracked and made their way to their own school. "Thanks again for keeping an eye on Shinichi last night." "Huh? Oh yeah, no problem." Yumeko tried to ignore the pain in her leg and walk normally, "So what happened to you? You're limping pretty bad." "This?" Misako stopped and gestured to her bandaged leg, "Yeah, I guess I'm about limping about as bad as you. I owe Seiko for this," she lifted her shirt up a bit, revealing the other bandages, "and this." Yumeko winced a little at the sight. "She couldn't find you, so she decided to take her frustrations out on me." Yumeko frowned at Misako's wounds a little longer, shaking her head. "When you beat her," Misako said glancing at Yumeko's clenched fist, "Be sure to let me get a swing or two in, okay?" Yumeko finally realized what she was doing, she sighed as she relaxed her arm. "I'm trying not to let her get to me, but she's starting to take things a little too far." "Just what exactly did you do to her anyway?" Misako asked. Yumeko shrugged, "To hell if I know." "Let's start with what you did to my brother." The two turned to see Seiko standing behind them, "It's about time you showed up Kobayashi." She glared at them through narrow eyes. Misako took a half a step behind Yumeko, who tried to hide the worried look on her face. "Seiko." She flashed what she hoped would be a convincing smirk. "I didn't realize that you missed your morning beating so badly." "Watch your mouth Kobayashi," Seiko nodded in Misako's direction, "or I'll leave you like your little friend there." "Just give me another excuse," Yumeko muttered as she glared back at her. "So, are you here to just bark threats or do you have a reason for taking out time this morning? We need to get to school, you know." "I want some answers," Seiko walked towards the two again, "and I want you to give them to me, Kobayashi." There was a pleading look hovering just behind the rage in her eyes. "Where's my brother? What did you do with Seiji!?" "Se...Seiji." Yumeko could feel herself going pale. "I knew it, I knew you knew something!" She grabbed Yumeko by the collar. "He's been gone since the fight with you! You know something, tell me!" "N--no!" Yumeko was finding it harder and harder to keep her cool. "I don't know what you're talking about." "Don't play games with me Kobayashi! You know something! Tell me!!" "Leave her alone Seiko," Misako tried as hard as she could to look tough in her bandages, "Why would Yumeko have anything to do with what happened to your brother?" "Shut up, girl," Seiko snapped. "Leave her out of this," Yumeko growled, "Whatever your problem with me is Seiko, it's just that, with me." Seiko grinned. "She's your friend, that makes it her problem." Yumeko glared at Seiko. She wasn't sure how well she'd hold up in a fight with her ankle the way it was, but Seiko was all but asking for a beating right now." "Sakurobi!" The three turned, Keiji was standing behind them, Takuya next to them. "I thought we told you to leave them alone." Seiko turned and glared at the two, then back at Yumeko and Misako. After a few moments, she clenched her fist. "Hmph. I know you know something, Kobayashi. I'll deal with you later." She stomped off. "Are you two all right?" Keiji asked as he and Takuya walked up to the two girls. "Fine," Misako answered. Yumeko turned the same glare she had used on Seiko toward Keiji. He looked back at her, confused. "What?" Her eyes narrowed. "Just what do you think you were doing?" "What?" Keiji asked again. "We were just trying to..." "Trying to what?" Yumeko snapped. "Rush in and rescue us?" Keiji didn't answer. "Look, we're big girls, we can take care of ourselves." "But..." "But nothing!" she interrupted again. "Find someone else to use to live out your little fantasies of saving the damsel in distress." Takuya made a little mock wince. "Fine!" Keiji yelled, which got everyone's attention. Even Yumeko was caught off guard, she'd never known Keiji to ever raise his voice. He walked up to her and got right in her face. "If you can't get it through your thick skull that someone's worried about you, then fine!" Yumeko almost took a step back. She'd never seen Keiji act like this before. "I, I never asked for you to worry about me," she said, some of the edge gone from her voice. "Well, I do, alright!" He walked past her. "Think about it." Takuya stood there for a moment, looking rather out of place, then hurried off after his friend. Yumeko stood stock still as he left. She tried to steel her face, to hide her surprise, but her face wouldn't cooperate. Misako tapped her on the shoulder. "Yumeko? Yumeko?" * * * A tugging on her hand brought her out of her reverie. "Neechan! Neechan!" Shinichi was standing up and trying to pull her into the aisle. "We're almost there, the train's pulling into the station!" The train slowed as it pulled into the Sendai station and came to a stop. As the two of them made their way off the train Yumeko tried to hold Shinichi's hand, but he quickly wriggled free and ran ahead. "Hurry neechan!" he called back, "I bet mommy's waiting for us outside the gate." Yumeko picked up her pace a little, just enough to keep him in sight. For a moment, she lost him in the crowd as they filed through the turnstiles at the gate. She stood on her toes trying to find him again. With a cry of "Mommy!!!" Shinichi bolted out of the far side of the crowd. With a sigh, Yumeko made her way through the gate. By the time Yumeko reached the pair, Shinichi had wrapped his small arms around his mother. "I missed you so much, Mommy." Natsukashii gave her son a warm, motherly smile. "I missed you too, Shinichi." She turned to Yumeko as she approached. "And you too, Yumeko." Yumeko did not smile. With a nod she said, "Afternoon mother, it's good to see you're doing well." There was an edge to Yumeko's voice that she made no attempt to hide. Natsukashii's smile faltered for a moment. Carefully moving out of her son's grip, she took his hand and started towards another gate. "Come along, we need to get moving." Yumeko's mother didn't live in Sendai proper. Currently, she was renting out a small apartment close to the edge of the town. "So how are you doing in school?" Natsukashii asked as they boarded another, smaller train. Shinichi replied almost immediately, "My teacher says she's real proud of me!" He grinned a wide, toothy grin. "I got a star on my kanji test!" His mother smiled and gave him a hug. "Wonderful Shin-chan, I'm proud of you too." She turned to her daughter. "And how about you Yumeko?" Yumeko shrugged, not turning away from the window. "Same old same old, passed a test." She looked at the Sendai cityscape as it rushed by. She scowled at the sky. It had been overcast back at home, but up here it was clear and sunny. The weather seemed to enjoy refusing to match her mood, and she hated it. * * * "So who's this friend of yours again?" Yumeko leaned back on the lawn and stared up at the clouds in the sky, trying to ignore the din of the other students as they filed into school. "Miwako." Misako was scanning the crowd as it came through the front gate. "I want to see if we can catch her so I can introduce you." Yumeko wasn't in a friend making mood this morning. "So we're showing the new girl around, huh?" Misako turned and glared. "What was that for?" She sighed. "What's been with you recently, anyway? You've been acting real odd lately." Yumeko just chose to analyze the clouds some more. Misako gave her a nudge. "It's not Keiji..." "No!" Yumeko shot up. "Why the hell should I know or care about what his problem is?" Misako seemed to flinch back. "Whoa, hey, easy! Sorry I asked." Under her breath she added, "He's only your friend." Yumeko could see the pain in her friends eyes. "Sorry, Misako, it's just... just that this week has been... different. That's all, just a real long week." "It's... it's okay." Misako smiled weakly. "I guess it's just that, for as long as we've known each other, we've always told each other everything." She paused for a moment, hoping that Yumeko would jump in. "But recently, you've been disappearing, you even left Shinichi home alone yesterday. When you come back, you're hurt but you say it's nothing." Another pause. "You're my friend, my best friend, I'm worried about you." Yumeko found herself having trouble looking Misako in the eye. "There's nothing going on," she said weakly. "I know it may look weird to you, but it's nothing... really." She was lying, and she knew that Misako wasn't buying it. She was right, Yumeko had almost kept nothing from her friend. She just sighed and looked back up towards the clouds. This wasn't going quite the way that Misako had hoped it would. Had things gone as planned, Yumeko would have decided to tell her what was wrong by now. "Hey, you want to try and finish our shopping excursion this weekend?" "Can't," Yumeko said flatly. "I have to go visit my Mom." Another sigh, "I'll be gone till Sunday evening." "Oh." Misako kept her eyes on the crowd. "That's too bad." Yumeko snorted, "Tell me about it." She scowled at the clouds again. Misako was right, the two of them had been friends for years. She didn't want to lie to her, or keep her in the dark about things. Part of her wanted to tell Misako about everything. But was it something that Misako would be able to understand? Yumeko wasn't sure that she even understood what was happening herself. She rolled her eyes and glared upward. "As soon as you think you're back in control," she said to herself, "life has to go and throw you another curve." Another nudge from Misako brought her back. "There she is!" Misako stood up and started to wave her hands. "Miwako!!" A red haired girl stopped and turned in their direction. She waved back and headed towards them. There was something about this girl, something that gnawed at the back of Yumeko's mind. Some strange haunting feeling that put her on edge. It wasn't until she was almost upon them that it hit her. She had to look twice, but there was not doubt. It was her. The Dream Warrior. And she was here at school. From the look on her face, Miwako was having a similar reaction. Her cheery face had dropped into a worried, more cautious look. Her pace had slowed, her eyes darted about as she tried to look elsewhere, but she kept drifting back to Yumeko's icy glare. Misako's attitude seemed to falter along with Miwako's. "Are you okay?" she asked. Miwako nodded and smiled weakly. "Yeah... I'm fine." Misako followed Miwako's eyes back to Yumeko's glare. She shot a confused, angry glance Yumeko's way. "Right, well then." She adjusted the collar of her blouse a bit, "Miwako, this is Yumeko. Yumeko, Miwako." Her eyes shot back and forth between them. "You guys haven't met before or something, have you?" "N... no no," Miwako said after a moment. "I... she looked familiar, like someone I knew from my old school, it's nothing." Misako frowned. Hearing "it's nothing" from everyone was starting to get old. She looked at Yumeko, waiting for her to say something. Yumeko was silent, her glare didn't waver for a moment as she stared straight at Miwako. "Anyway," Miwako said, "It's nice to finally meet you, Yumeko." She tried another weak smile. "Misako's told me a lot about you." "Yeah, I'll bet she has." Even Misako reeled a bit from the venom in Yumeko's voice, "Yumeko!" she whispered, "What the hell is wrong with you?" The tardy bell rang. "Gotta get to class." Yumeko started to walk off. "What the--Yumeko!" Misako started after her, then turned back to Miwako. "I'm sorry, she's just been... real weird lately." "It's... okay. I hope I didn't cause any trouble." Misako glared in Yumeko's direction, "No, it's nothing that you did." Yumeko shook her head as she walked alone to class. "Stupid, stupid, stupid," she said to herself. Today was not going right at all. She leaned back against the side of the hall for a moment. Of all the places that she could have run into the Dream Warrior, it had to have been here. "Yumeko!" Yumeko turned, Misako was walking up the emptying hall. She winced when she saw Misako's glare. "All right, spill it. what the hell is going on with you?" "I, I'm sorry Misako." "You're sorry." Misako rolled her eyes, "Yumeko, what did Miwako do to you to make you act like that? It's not like you to act that way to someone you've never met." Yumeko just looked at the ground. "Yumeko, tell me, please, what's going on, I don't know what but something's not right." No answer. "Yumeko, please, I'm your friend." "Hey, you two." Yumeko turned up to see the vice-principal coming down the hall. "Didn't you hear the bell? Get to class." The two apologized and headed off to class. Misako was silent. Yumeko looked and saw her best friend's face a mixture of confusion and anger, and knew it was her fault. * * * "Yumeko?" Her mother's voice broke her concentration. "Yumeko, are you listening?" "No." "I said, have you been studying for entrance exams?" Yumeko rolled her eyes, still not turning to face her mother. "That's still over a year off, I have better things to worry about right now." "That's not a good attitude to have," Natsukashii's voice was more stern. "Those exams are important, it's not something you can afford to just slide through." "Right right right," Yumeko sighed, "I've heard it all before. If you don't get into a good college, you won't be able to get a good job and you'll end up having to depend on somebody else." She said mockingly, "Just like you, huh?" Her mother frowned. "That was uncalled for, young lady. You know I keep telling you that because I worry about you." Yumeko turned and glared at her mother. "Sure you do." * * * Yumeko didn't say another word all the way back home. She went through the rest of the night mechanically, interacting with her mother as little as possible. She hurried through dinner and went to the room her mother had prepared for her, forcing herself into her studies. Some time later, her mother knocked on her door. "Yumeko? Yumeko, could you go and tell Shinichi to come inside, it's getting late." Yumeko sighed. When she got up she tried to look at her mother as little as possible, hurrying out the door and down the stairs to the yard in front of the apartment building. She found Shinichi sitting on the swing set. "Shinichi, it's late, time to come in." There was no answer. A little worried, she walked up and knelt down in front of him. "Shinichi, didn't you hear me?" Shinichi pouted and looked at the ground. "I hate you." Again, Yumeko was taken aback. "What?" "I hate you Neechan." Yumeko frowned. "Shinichi," she scolded, "that's not a nice thing to say to someone, especially to your sister." "I hate you." She sighed. "Okay, why do you hate me?" "Cause you made mommy cry." "Mommy's made both of us cry too, a lot. Do you hate her too?" Shinichi shook his head. "Mommy loves us. Besides, she didn't mean to make us cry. She loves us." Shinichi kicked the dirt. "But the way you talk to mommy, it's mean, it makes her cry Neechan." "So what do you want me to do Shinichi?" "Don't make mommy cry anymore." "If I try, you won't hate me anymore?" Shinichi nodded. "If I try not to make mommy cry anymore, will you be a good boy and come inside like I asked?" "Okay." Shinichi got up from the swing and ran up the stairs to the apartment. Yumeko sat down on the swings and sat for a moment, she looked up at the stars and sighed. "The sky's pretty tonight, isn't it." Yumeko didn't answer as her mother sat down next to her. "The lights from the city aren't as bright here so the stars are clearer." "Where's Shinichi?" "He's inside getting ready for bed." "Did he say anything to you?" "Like what?" Yumeko finally turned to look at her mother. Natsukashii still wore that same motherly smile that she always had. That smile used to always make Yumeko feel safe, but now she had trouble feeling anything but contempt for the person who wore it. "Nothing." She got up and walked towards the stairs. "Yumeko." She stopped for a moment. "Won't you stay and talk with me for a while?" Yumeko paused for a second. "Not tonight, mother." Then she continued up the stairs. * * * Yumeko struggled to fight it off, her eyes clenched shut as she fought to get up. It held her fast, gripping her firmly, pinning her down. She resisted the urge to scream out as its weight smothered her. One of her eyes strayed open but she quickly forced it shut, afraid of what she might see. She writhed and struggled under its weight for a few moments longer, until finally she thought she felt it weaken. She fought back harder, putting all of her strength into one last push to get loose. Yumeko fell to the floor in a tangle of sheets. She sat up, slowly at first, and took a tentative look around. Everything looked normal, the way it should. She winced as she folded her legs underneath her, wiped her eyes, and tried to relax. After a few moments, she had gotten her breathing under control, but she could still feel her heart pounding in her throat. Slowly, she got up and made her way over to the desk. Squinting in the harsh light of the desk lamp, Yumeko pulled out her notebook and flipped to an empty page. Her hand floated over the blank page of a moment. The room was silent. There was an almost unsettling stillness to the room, like something was missing. Her father. Yumeko tensed at the thought of him. Usually, when Yumeko awoke in the middle of the night like this, it was because of him. There were many nights when he would wonder around the house grunting and grumbling in a drunken stupor. She turned to the door half expecting to hear him shuffling down the hall or smell the alcohol that seemed to drift from his skin and permeate the air. Yumeko had learned to leave her father alone when he was like that. It was a strangely uncomfortable relief to realize that he was not the cause of her waking tonight. With a sigh, she leaned back in her chair and stared at the ceiling for a moment. She looked back to her desk. She was already starting to forget the dream that had woken her. Instead of turning back to her notebook, her eyes lingered on her pendant. The Dream Scepter. The pendant was cold as ice as she picked it up, but it was comforting to her nonetheless. She was tempted to use it again, to lose herself in the darkness, the power. Being the Nightmare Fighter felt right, it felt right in a way that nothing had felt before. The power wasn't something new to her as much as it was something, something like a part of her that had been missing. Her eyes floated back to her door. Maybe, with her power she could... No. She had to stop that thought before it got too far. She couldn't do that again. Seiji's disappearance was still in the news, it still chilled her to think about it. No, never again, not if she could help it. Yumeko finally looked back to her notebook. With another sigh she slammed it shut. Putting the pendant around her neck, she picked up the ball of sheets from the floor and laid back down, waiting for sleep to take her again. * * * There is a place that is consistently at the edge of consciousness. A place that only a few people, and only with great effort, can even even catch a glimpse of. It was here, in that brief moment between consciousness and dreams that Fable hid while he watched her. Fable began to snicker. His snicker quickly grew into a laugh. He laughed long and hard, shaking his head, never in his wildest fantasies had he expected it to be this easy. He scribbled something on his hand with a chuckle. He almost wanted to stay and watch as she began to dream again, but there were other people to watch, other secrets to learn. "Another night, my Yumeko, you have much to tell me yet." * * * Authors stuff: And it is done, I hope. What you see here has changed many time since I started writing it. Some of what I wrote or planned to write was omitted because I decided to focus on Yumeko and only Yumeko and writing about some of the others I felt would detract from this focus. Lessee, other stuff, well thanks to my prereaders and everyone on the ML for your comments and suggestions, espically to John, Ardweden, Phoebe and Clint. Thanks to Nine Inch Nails and Strauss for the music I wrote this to. As always constructive comments or suggestions are welcome at asimh@uaa.alaska.edu, most anything else will be given a once over, laughed at, and filed in my trash can. Later all, here's hoping this was worth the wait. Ian Beware the Radish http://www.mit.edu/~johne/btr/ 5/7/00