Nightmare Fighter Yumeko Chapter 3: Strange Flower * * * * * Yumeko levelled her nastiest grin at a science assignment while her radio blared out what passed for hard rock in Japan. For the first time in three months, she was doing her homework. She didn't really want to think about why she was doing it, but instead forced herself to concentrate on the molecular structure of various organic compounds. The trouble was, the questions weren't spectacularly challenging, and she kept thinking of... other things. Like Seiji, and the expression on his face when she'd summoned the darkness and... when he'd died. Yumeko shook her head, hard, and focused on the next question. "What is the difference between methyl and ethyl alcohol?" she repeated out loud. She twirled her pen and wrote, slowly and deliberately; 'One tastes good. You moron.' Hiro... another face that kept intruding. He'd been horrified when she claimed her new identity. It made her feel... a little uneasy. With a supreme effort of will, Yumeko threw herself back into the assignment "Please outline two methods of testing the difference between a ketone and an amide." Oh, please! Could they make this any easier? The music from the radio was replaced with the distinctive chimes of the evening news. "Good evening. This is Masahiro Matsuoka. Headlines tonight; The yen rises against the US dollar. The mysterious disappearance of college student Sakurobi Seiji still baffles police. And reports of a Yakuza- *click!* It didn't matter. Just because it was on the news didn't mean it mattered. And there was no way they could know who had done it. Even if there had been a body to find, they wouldn't have been able to trace it to her. She hoped. The phone rang, and she started, then relaxed. It was probably one of Shinichi's irritating little friends. The brat could get the phone himself. "Oneesan! It's for you!" ... or it could be someone else. Steeling herself, Yumeko took the phone from her brother and lifted it to her mouth. "Hello?" she asked, her voice trembling only slightly. She sneaked a glance out the window, but couldn't spot any SWAT teams. Of course, she wouldn't be able to see them anyway... "Yumeko-chan? It's Misako. Are you okay?" The girl's voice was concerned. "Misako!" Yumeko let out a sigh of relief, only then realising that she'd been holding her breath. "Uh... I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" "Well... at school today, you seemed kinda... spacey. It's not those girls, is it?" "Seiko and her little flunkies? No way!" Yumeko grimaced; fantastic, she'd just lost her only excuse for her strange behaviour. "Um, I mean... I was just a bit stressed over school." Misako laughed. "You!" she snorted. "If *you're* worried, I may as well go throw myself under a train right now. I just spent two hours slaving at Hirouchi sensei's stupid science assignment and I still left a quarter of the questions unanswered. You couldn't give me a hand, could you?" Yumeko smiled. "Yeah, sure, no problem. Hey, Misako..." "Yeah?" "When was the last time we went shopping together?" There was a pause. "We were twelve," Misako answered finally. "And you laughed at me for buying so much Sailor Moon stuff and I hit you over the head with the Crescent Moon Wand." Yumeko grinned, remembering. "Yeah... it's a long time. Wanna go tonight?" "What, now?" "Yeah! I'll meet you at Ikebukuro East in 20 minutes!" "Um. Well, sure. If you promise to come to my place after and help me study." "It's a deal! See you soon." Yumeko hung up, and ran down the stairs, congratuating herself on distracting Misako so easily. "Shinichi, I'm going shopping in Ikebukuro!" she yelled. "Tape Psychometer Eiji for me!" Shinichi appeared in the kitchen doorway, a few grains of rice around his mouth. He nodded. Yumeko sighed, and reached out and rubbed at his face with her coat sleeve. "And do your homework," she advised. Shinichi nodded again, his face splitting into a wide grin. "Okay, oneechan!" His sister grinned at him, and slipped on her shoes. "And don't stay up too late!" she called as she closed the door. "Okay, oneechan!" "And don't worry about making your lunch for tomorrow, I'll... oh shit! I'm late!" * * * * * Misako stared unseeing into the dark tunnel outside the carriage window. She was not, to her endless despair, a straight A student, but she was by no means stupid. Something was obviously bothering Yumeko. She'd gone through the whole day on automatic, barely talking to Misako or Keiji at all, and only in monosyllables when she did. It had been... strange. Even stranger - in fact, practically unheard of - Yumeko had actually given serious answers when called on in class, instead of her usual smart-alec replies. Something was definitely wrong. And as her best friend, it was Misako's job to find out what it was! It coudn't be Seiko and company, she reasoned. Seiko had been bugging Yumeko (and herself) for a long time, but she'd never worried about it. And as for it being school... Misako snorted. That was a weak excuse if ever she'd heard one. Besides, this strange behaviour was very recent... Just after going to see Evangelion, in fact. And meeting that guy Tsugi at the bar... Maybe that was it! Maybe Yumeko had a crush on Tsugi and- Misako shook her head. Now she was taking things too far. She looked around at her fellow passengers, and grimaced. Misako hated rush hour. Everyone was crammed into carriages like sheep in slaughter-trucks. Even in winter, the heat of the clustered bodies was stifling and the air stale. And in the summer, the humidity was so bad that you actually peeled away from people when you tried to leave. A slight movement caught her eye, and she turned her head to stare at the salaryman standing next to her. This was another reason she hated rush hour. The crowded conditions made it so much easier for creeps looking to get their jollies. The man leered at her, and none-too-subtly moved his body against hers. She felt the hand on her butt and didn't even have to think about it. *crack* "Well, I'll be!" Misako remarked loudly. "I always thought it was a myth that perverts got nosebleeds. Guess I was wrong!" She smirked at the shocked businessman nursing his broken nose and noticed with satisfaction that several other men in the compartment had paled. It was a shame she couldn't stay to enjoy this, but her stop was next... As she left, she blew a kiss to the pervert. * * * * * Keiji hesitated, then picked up the phone and dialled. 'She's a friend of yours and she's acting weird,' he told himself as it rang. 'Get a grip.' "Hello?" a young boy answered, his voice hesitant. Keiji deflated a little. He'd hoped to get Yumeko straight away. "Uh, hello. Is this Shinichi?" "Yes." "This is a Keiji, a school friend of Yumeko's. Is she there?" "No. Oneesan went shopping." "Oh. Um... did she tell you where she was going?" "Yes." Keiji waited patiently for a while. "Where did she go?" he prompted finally. "Oh! Ikebukuro." Keiji cursed silently. Ikebukuro was huge, he'd never find her. Although... that bar she liked was in Ikebukuro. Maybe he could look there. Emboldened by the silence from the other end of the line, Shinichi spoke again. "I taped Psychometer Eiji for her," he said proudly. "And I did all my homework, too." "Uh... that's really great, Shinichi-kun. Hey, when your sister gets home, please tell her that I rang, okay?" "Oneesan told me 'Don't stay up too late'," the boy replied, obviously worried. "Oh. Please write her a note then?" "Okay!" "Thank you, Shinichi-kun. Good night." "Good night, Keiji-san!" Shinichi replied happily. Keiji hung up and went to get his coat. 'I'm just checking the bar,' he thought firmly. 'Just the bar, and if she's not there I'll come home straight away." * * * * * "...and then he kills her! Does this scarf look good?" "It's pretty nice, but I think you need a darker blue. His own sister?" Misako looked at the scarves on display and shook her head thoughtfully. "Darker? I don't know..." She tossed a wink at the hunky sales assistant hovering over her shoulder. "We'll come back!" she promised, shamelessly turning on her sunniest smile. "Will we?" Yumeko asked, as they walked out the door and into the night. "I don't know." Misako grinned. "Maybe the goods on display at the next store would look better on me..." Yumeko laughed. "Anyway, he kills his sister," she prompted. "Uh-huh! You *have* to see the artwork for that one, it's fantastic! And then the hero guy does his standard 'nooooooo!!!!' and that's where the manga ends." "Yeah, it's a rule," Yumeko agreed. "The hero has to do that." "Oh, but we haven't got to the good bit! At the beginning of the next manga it's the same scene - but then her eyes open!" Misako's own eyes were wide with remembered excitement, and her voice rose a little in volume. "It's soooo cool!" Yumeko stopped. "What? She's dead, right?" "Oh yeah, good and dead. Blood everywhere." Misako replied, obviously relishing the moment. "It turns out her body's been taken over by a Dreamer! Yumeko? Is something wrong?" Yumeko started. "What? No." Misako shrugged. "Oh, you just looked strange for a second. Anyway, it turns out that as well as being able to manipulate dreams and the dream world, Dreamers can also control the bodies of the recently dead. Now, because this Dreamer met her before, he decided to-" Misako's voice abruptly cut off. Startled, Yumeko turned to look at her... but she'd disappeared, along with the entire street. In its place was the downstairs hallway of Yumeko's house. What the... With a sickening thud in the pit of her stomach, Yumeko recognised what was happening. She was dreaming. A very familiar, very unwelcome dream. 'Wake up,' she told herself silently. Nothing happened. 'It's a dream, you know you're dreaming, wake up!' The bare hallway in front of her suddenly flickered, then steadied, this time filled with people. Yumeko pinched herself savagely, trying to hurt herself enough to wake, or at least begin a new dream. But the figures in the hallway were already moving, and she despaired, knowing it was too late. She would have to see the whole thing again. There was her mother, suitcase in hand, slipping on her shoes in the entrance hall. There was her father, hand raised and face ugly with rage. There was Shinichi, sitting on the stairs, mouth open and eyes confused. And there was her. Yumeko the younger. "Okaasan!" "I'm sorry, Yumeko-chan. Be good." The small girl clutched at her mother's coat, and held it fast. "I won't let you go! You have to stay here with me!" The woman's eyes clouded over with unshed tears as she looked at her daughter, and for a brief second Yumeko hoped. But then; "I can't, Yumeko-chan," she said softly, her voice a tangle of emotions that Yumeko was too young to comprehend. "You don't understand yet, but I think you will one day soon." "Then take me with you," Yumeko begged. "Okaasan! Please, take me too!" "That's enough, Natsukashii," a hated voice growled. "If you leave you will never see these kids again. You know that. No court will grant access to a mother who deserts her children." Natsukashii slipped out of the coat Yumeko still held and slipped it around the girl's shoulders. "Keep it, in memory," she whispered. Then she straightened and her eyes were obsidian as she stared at her husband. "So will they leave custody with a wife-beating coward?" she asked softly. Masaro snarled and he lifted his hand again, storming towards the frail figure of the woman in the doorway. "Papa! No!" And Masaro stopped, his face as stony as his wife's. He picked Yumeko up, holding her firmly - but gently - against his chest, ignoring her struggles. She burst into tears, and Shinichi joined in, their screams mingling to make a dismal chorus. "Leave then," Masaro forced out through clenched teeth. "Go." The scene abruptly froze, and Yumeko roused herself from the stupor she'd fallen into. This was something new... She stared at the dream and frowned. Something was... different. There seemed to be something slippery behind the image of the children and the parents, something lurking on the edges of sight... Without even thinking about it, Yumeko concentrated, and felt something twisting in the back of her head. Startled, she blinked. Then all other concerns took a back seat as a new reality unfolded before her, yielding itself to her eyes. Pale auras overlaid the figures in the hallway, shifting and swirling around them. Yumeko gasped, struck by the eerie beauty of her new discovery. Then she tensed, realising something else. Her mother had no aura. She stared at the image of the woman and tried to make the odd twisting movement she'd made earlier. Nothing. But then... As Yumeko watched, disbelieving, tendrils of colour bled out of her father's aura and spiraled over to Natsukashii. Her own and Shinichi's aura's were bleeding too. The colours tangled around the woman, still keeping their distance. Then with the shock of a dive into cold water, they streamed into her. Natsukashii's aura appeared, shining blue and bright yellow and the red of a new-born winding around her. The scene began to move again, and Yumeko lost her double-vision, able only to see her mother's quiet goodbye to her howling children. And then the howls abruptly cut off as the door closed behind her with a deafening click. "... and Yuzuriha is crying in Seiichiro's arms and-" Misako stared at the hand that had suddenly landed heavily on her arm. "Yumeko? Yumeko!" Yumeko smiled at her groggily. "Night," she said, and collapsed onto the pavement, falling into a deep and dreamless sleep. Once again, it was Misako's voice that brought her back to reality. "... fell over! I don't know why, it-" "Wait, she's coming round!" a deeper voice interrupted. Yumeko smiled. Keiji. Good. "Yumeko! Are you okay?" "Of *course* she's not okay, she just collapsed!" Misako's voice had acquired a slight edge of hysteria, and Yumeko tried to tell her that it was okay, she was just really tired, and her head was sore. Unfortunately, her tongue didn't seem to be working very well right now... "Shut up, Misako," Keiji ordered calmly. "Yumeko, can you hear me?" His eyes stared into hers. He had such pretty eyes... she'd have to tell him sometime. Oh, he had a question, didn't he? She nodded, and raised a hand to her head. "Hurts," she forced out, absurdly pleased with herself. "Right," Keiji said. "Okay, let's get you someplace less public..." He slipped his arms around the woozy girl and easily lifted her. "Misako, where are we going? That bar?" "Yeah, it's just round the corner... Yumeko, what happened? One minute you were fine and the next you were flat on the pavement! It's lucky Keiji was here, or we might have had real trouble!" "Don't know." She tried to remember. Misako had been talking about Dreamers, and then she'd gone to sleep... something about colours? "We'll call your father from the bar, and get you home, okay?" Keiji smiled. "Lucky you, you get to miss school tomorrow." Yumeko's answering smile was only slightly spoiled by Misako's shriek of anguish. "Oh *no*! I still haven't finished that assignment!" * * * * * The woman who called herself Helen watched as three children stumbled into the bar. Even in this most moral of cities, there was corruption after all. How reassuring. Well, she admitted to herself, wearing the uniforms of one of Tokyo's more prestigious high schools, they could hardly be called children. But from her viewpoint, almost everyone she met could be considered a mere babe-in-arms. Or a corpse. Her eyes narrowed, and she looked at the girl in the tall boy's arms. That one was the Dream Fighter she'd taken note of earlier! Interesting. She straightened, intending to slip off her stool and investigate further. But even that slight movement had attracted notice. A large hand descended on her arm, and Helen looked up into the eyes of the man behind the bar. "Don't," he warned softly. Helen smiled her most charming smile, and she had many of them. "I was merely curious, Tsugi." "Don't be," he said flatly. "You have no reason to be interested yet. Do you?" Helen nodded. "I have not received instructions as yet, true. Still, my curiosity shouldn't be any of your business, should it? Why do you care?" Tsugi's eyes flared yellow, and Helen seethed inwardly. If only this had been anywhere outside this place he had made his own, if only it had been her own realm. There, she would easily be a match for him. However, when you bearded the lion in his lair... "Well, I was just leaving," she smiled graciously, picking up her purse and dropping a note on the bar. "Don't bother to call a taxi, I'm sure I can find my own way home." And she left the bar without giving the trio a second glance, but didn't stop her from sending a quick inquiring thought at the girl, so fast she was sure Tsugi wouldn't catch it. What came back along the thought made her quicken her pace just a little, until she was a block and a half away. She ducked into an alley and put her back against the wall. "Not just a mere Dream Fighter," she breathed. "Father, what are you *doing*?" End. I don't do action ^_^ Don't forget about Hiro and his latest Dream Fighter. They're obviously doing other stuff right now. ^_^; But they're still out there! Just a brief note: this is not X. Misako's gossiping *might* have been the trigger for Yumeko's waking Dream, or not. But Yumeko is not an X Dreamer, she is Nightmare Fighter Yumeko (you know, it's up there in the title somewhere ^_^) so don't automatically assume that she has the powers of Hinoto and co. As you may have guessed, I really loved the end of volume 8/beginning of volume 9. Even though there wasn't enough nummy Sorata-y goodness. Thanks to John Evans for creating NFY and for proving that his pre-reading skills are second only to his godly writing powers. If he doesn't get sick of it, I *strongly* suggest every other NFY writer asks him to pre-read ^_^ Also thanks for the (many) extensions, John. I hope it was worth it. For those of you who want a Little-Known Phoebe Fact, this work was finished on 7.59 pm Christmas Day while the author listened to her new Dave Dobbyn CD. Buy, buy, buy. C&C to 12/25/99 Beware the Radish