Created By: The Black Wyvern of Armorica.
Chara Pic Available: Yes, click it
Age: Difficult to ascertain, maybe early 30’s. Only in appearance, however.
Height: 6’4”
Birthdate: Oct. 30th (Scorpio)
Alignment: Shinra
Weapon: Naginata, “Murasame”
Spell Materia: Time, Enemy Skill
Summon Materia: Bahamut
Limit Break: “4thWall Whupass”
Planting Murasame in the ground, Gevura uses his extra-dimensional powers to rewrite story continuity, writing smaller enemies completely out of existance and severely crippling major ones. The Limit Break is area-effect and can take a wide variety of physical forms (all of which do identical damage), such as a flurry of white feathers and chains, a rain of Bad Guy Plushies stuffed with rocks, or the summoning of one of over six hundred characters invented by Gevura’s originating spirit, who appear, lay the smack down, and leave. By channelling this primal spirit-creature, Gevura gets a noticeable boost to his MP, modified by exactly how many critters met their Fate through this power.

“I’m sorry you feel that way. Now prepare to taste high-quality carbon steel DEATH!”
“Shut up and follow me. …Of COURSE I know where I’m going! My strat guide has full-color glossy world maps!”

Background Story:
It looked like just another completely normal Sephiroth clone when the techies turned off the lights in the lab the night before, leaving #777 floating peacefully in its tank of bubbling Mako Juice™. It was to be the last of the long line of clones, Hojo’s final attempt to re-create the greatness of Sephiroth for the sake of Shinra, Inc.

But during the night, something went horribly wrong.

Upon returning to the lab the next morning, the scientists found not only a fully-grown and very-much-awake clone waiting for them, but one that was singularly deformed… A bipedal draconian with jet-black scales and blazing Mako eyes, bearing the long moon-silver hair of his predecessor and a sassy attitude that would make Mother Theresa resort to violence.

A vicious, cunning, and strangely knowledgeable spirit had passed through the barrier from another dimension and possessed the still-growing body of #777, replacing its mind and genetic structure with its own. The result was Gevura, the most ambitious and wily monstrosity to ever crawl out of a tank of The Green Stuff. Immediately after his “birth,” he claimed the mantle of Captain-Premier of SOLDER, replacing Sephiroth as master of the elite corporate forces. After the first few “accidents,” his overseers decided not to argue anymore, leaving him to his military activites. Pissed off over the apparent lack of Masamunes, Gevura chose another little-known hypertech weapon that was designed by the same Dead Scientist Guy--the deadly Murasame, a handy monomolecular-edged Naginata that magically folds into a two-foot stick. Besides his sharp mind and supernaturally-keen senses, he also demonstrates a disturbingly accurate form of foresight, almost as if he knew exactly what was going to happen long before… Hojo and his assistants speculate that this may have something to do with the thick book that Gevura is occasinally seen reading in private, though they have been unable to penetrate the “TrenchSpace” sub-dimension inside the uberclone’s Captain-Premier uniform, where he keeps the volume in a Ziploc baggie.

In general, Gevura is fierce, impulsive, and superior to everybody else (as he sees it), also having the strange tendency to totally forget or gloss over any proof that he’s less than the incredible creature that he thinks he is. His declared ambition is to be “a better Sephiroth than Sephiroth,” and he’s decided to begin by quickly kicking Shinra into shape, starting with the military. After the company becomes useless to him, however…most people don’t like to think about what may happen then. Amazingly enough, he’s able to keep a cool head in battles where he commands a group of soldiers, showing excellent strategic and tactical insight; however, he becomes a berserk, ravaging beast when he’s only got himself to worry about. Although capable of making stirring speeches and strong arguments, Gevura generally talks in a laid-back way, throwing around sarcasm and mind games and refusing to accept anyone but himself as his boss. He also often makes references to people and things that no one has ever heard of before, taking his underlings’ incomprehension as another sign of their inferiority.

Some other bits of Gevura’s personality:
1) Through some strange, primal ability, he has full knowledge of all 345 Basic Forms of Evil Laughter, which he uses to full effect whenever possible.

2) He also possesses the ability to make use of the {curly brackets} of {MALFEASANCE}, which enhance his evil more than the better-known [brackets] of [POWER]. However, he uses them only when he’s going for the throat on dramatic effect, as their strength can be deadly. And kinda scary, too.

3) Due to his twisted genetic background, he has no problem with eating and digesting ANYTHING that appears to have been something based on meat, grain, or dairy in a past life. He refuses to touch vegetables, however, no matter how well-prepared.

Creator’s Comments:

Just some notes on where my various in-character refs came from…

“Gevura” is one of the Sephiroth (Branches of the Tree of Life), the one commonly associated with judgement or balance. However, if the calming influences of the surrounding Sephiroth are not active, it can become aggressive, cruel, dominating, militant, and just plain dangerous. Also, it’s associated with Mars, the Red Planet and god of savage warfare.

The sign of Scorpio is one of transformation, a many-faced personality full of multiple passions and swift changes. One of its incarnations is the scorpion itself, which symbolizes (quote from the Excite Horoscope Page) “a hotheaded warrior who is violently passionate, bluntly sarcastic, egotistical, controlling, and manipulative.”

A Naginata is a Japanese halberd--a slightly-curved, single-edged blade (about a foot and a half long) set on the end of a long fighting staff and equipped with a circular guard for blocking.

The facet of Gevura’s personality that makes him compulsively make outside refs is NOT intended as a super-cheesy way for me to rack up points like mad. It’s a reflection of a major flaw in my own writing style. Specifically, these are the “Susan Ching Manga Ref”: making tiny little refs to my own work that NOBODY understands unless they’ve read the stuff themselves, and the “Psycho Ref Beast Ref”: making references to things so insanely obscure that the readers have no clue (ex. minor S.P. Somtow characters, tabletop RPG rules, Dead Can Dance lyrics, obscure occultism, etc.). Pesonally, I don’t think that a ref should count unless it’s generally understandable--if I note stuff from Mary Gentle novels, who’s gonna get that? For writers trying to write Gevura, just take some very obscure stuff that you know and ref that--I’m not going to insist that you stick to things that I use. They’re obscure for a reason. :)

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