Dark Star, Chapter 13: Tension Written by Katy Coope (katy@coopefamily.demon.co.uk) Presented by ImproFanfic (http://pixelscapes.com/improfanfic/) Dark Star started by Chandra Rooney Note: Square brackets indicate thoughts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I have a bad feeling about this Zel--] [Just give her a chance.] [But--] [Oh go back to sleep, will you?] Tenshi didn't seem to notice as annoyance briefly flashed on Zellar's features. They were alone in the courtyard, the others having left them to go about their business. The light played over the sprite's delicate features and her large eyes sparkled like sapphires. To Zellar, even after all that had happened to her, after all those years, she was still as beautiful as he remembered her. She pressed close to him and draped her arms around his neck. "When I got away I..." She trailed off, glancing nervously about the courtyard as if she could the right words among the cobblestones "Go on..." Zellar said soothingly, as he stroked the sprite's pink hair. He could still hear Kurayamino's protests in the back of his mind. His little brother seemed especially insistent for some reason, but Zellar ignored him, assuming Kurayamino was being his usual, difficult self. "I-- I met this lady, she was really kind to me and she asked me to give you something..." At Tenshi's words Zellar felt Kurayamino trying to gain control. [Don't take it.] Kurayamino warned. Zellar closed his eyes and channelled his energy into holding back his brother. [Kurayamino, I am perfectly capable of dealing with this myself...] [You really are dense, you know that Zel? You're nowhere near as powerful as me, if something happened--] [Then it would be my problem, not yours.] [In case you haven't noticed brother, you aren't the only one in this body and if something happens to either of us then the pentagram of stars will be broken!] [I know that, I'm being careful...] [Not nearly careful enough. Tenshi is strong, you said so yourself. And she's not stupid!] Zellar wasn't sure what his brother meant, but he didn't like the sound of it. [What the hell are you talking about?] [I'm saying that someone might have made her a better offer. If she's still as strong as you make out and is working for someone else, we could be in trouble.] [No! Tenshi would never betray me, she loves me!] [She's changed, Zellar, Think about it. Just look at her. Is she really the same girl any more?] The usual smug tone was missing from Kurayamino's voice and it was beginning to worry Zellar... He couldn't be right, Tenshi would never... "Zellar?" Tenshi asked, looking up at him with a slight frown on her face. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, love. Just a headache." [I'm warning you, Zellar, screw up and you'll have more than me to worry about. Heh, how 'bout that? I'm starting to sound like you, Angst boy...] The pressure in Zellar's mind receded but Kurayamino's sardonic comment did nothing to hide his unease. "Oh... I hope it goes away," Tenshi said, laying her head on Zellar's chest. She wasn't sure about what Yasha had told her, but she wanted them all to be together, Zellar, Yasha and herself, like a family... They could be together, and be happy. That was all that mattered, wasn't it? That Zellar and her were together and happy... "It's almost gone already." Zellar said, smiling. "Now, what was it you needed to give me?" "I-- I need to bring it here first." She said, as she stepped back and closed her eyes. She cupped her hands out in front of her as she chanted something under her breath. Zellar wasn't sure what it was until five points of shimmering light danced above them, casting sparks. The lights hovered still above Tenshi's hands when she raised them, and rays of fire shot between them, forming... [A Pentagram!...] [We're not the only ones who use pentagrams, Zellar. It's just as likely to be Yasha as it to be anyone else... I don't like this...] Suddenly the light intensified, Zellar squinted for a moment then looked away. After a few moments the light faded back down. Hanging in the air above Tenshi's outstretched palms was an amulet that looked much like the rejoined black star. It was the same size and shape, but where his was black, the star-shaped jewel that floated before him was a shimmering white. Iridescent flames licked across its surface and along it's chain. The flames flickered out and the glittering star dropped into the sprite's hands. "Here." She held it out for Zellar to take. "The lady said you need to wear it, it's a charm." Zellar reached for it, but hesitated. "Why?" He asked [Thank the heavens you haven't lost ALL your sense Zellar...] [Just let me think, will you? I can't concentrate with you babbling on all the time.] [I'm doing it for your sake Zel. Even Junta and Atsuri think there's something wrong with her, just trust me on this one, okay?] "I-- The lady said it would help you in the 'great battle'... She told me that she needs your black one too..." [This stinks of Yasha, Zel. What would Tenshi know about the battle?] [Whoever rescued her from Yasha must have told her. Tenshi wouldn't do anything to help Yasha after everything that's happened to her.] [I'll think you'll find she would. Ask her.] [There's no need, you're just being stubborn.] [Well, I suppose you're right. There isn't any point asking her, she'll lie her way out of that too.] [Give it a rest, will you?] [Oh come on Zel, She's lying, any fool can see that.] [I don't think it's a lie, Brother. I believe her.] [Then you are just as much of an idiot as I thought you were. She doesn't even believe it herself.] [How can you tell that?] [I can see it in her eyes. And I haven't known her all that long. You have, I'd think you'd be able to recognise the signs.] [She's never lied to me before. She isn't like that.] [Oh, yeah. Sure. The fact that you haven't seen her for five hundred years doesn't enter into the equation then?] [You're too paranoid, Kurayamino.] [What's wrong with you today? You're normally the one who thinks things through first... Anyway, I'm not paranoid, I'm just being sensible. I don't think you should do it.] [That's your opinion. Brother.] Zellar started to take the amulet from Tenshi, but hesitated briefly as Kurayamino desperately tried to gain control. Successfully fighting off his brother's attempt, he grasped the amulet. The jewel was cool to the touch and felt strange to him. There was definitely some kind of charm on it, though just what sort was a mystery to him. It fitted well in the palm of his hand and rainbow light played across its surface. [What the hell are you doing?!] [I'm not going to do anything. I'll ask Hitomi about it later...] [It might be too late then, we need to get rid of it now.] "Thank you Tenshi, It's very nice." Zellar said aloud, disregarding Kurayamino. Tenshi flung her arms around him, smiling. "I'm so glad you like it Zellar. The lady said you would. She wants me to take her your black one as soon as I can... But if you haven't got it, I guess it can wait... It's so good to see you, Zellar, I've missed you so much..." [Oh for pity's sake, this is pathetic...] [Look, in case you haven't noticed, I haven't seen Tenshi for five hundred years. I'm perfectly entitled to feel something for her...] [Oh, right. So you're not thinking of anyone else then?] [What?!] [Such as Tenkou, maybe? But of course, I'm sure she'll understand...] [That's different.] [In what way? Or haven't you noticed the way she looks at us yet] [I... I have, it's just I haven't seen Tenshi for so long...] [And that makes it okay?] [Yes.] Before Kurayamino could protest, Zellar pulled Tenshi even closer and kissed her. It was like a massive weight had been lifted off Zellar's shoulders. He seemed at peace as it brought back happy memories of days gone by... Suddenly the kiss was cut short as Kurayamino took advantage of Zellar's distraction and wrenched control of the body. Tenshi gasped in shock as he pushed her away and fled... --ooOoo-- "Zellar! Wait!" Tenshi cried, but it was too late. Kurayamino was already out of sight. "Where are you going? Zellar!" "Tenshi? What happened?" Tenshi jolted at the sound and turned around. Tenkou stood in the doorway. Tenkou glanced about the courtyard then looked back at Tenshi. "Where's Zellar?" "I don't know! He-- He ran away from me!" The sprite's voice wavered and tears ran down her cheeks. Tenkou bit her lip and looked round. "It isn't like Zellar to do that..." She said. [Even Kurayamino wouldn't have put Tenshi in such a state without a good reason... Something must have happened] thought Tenkou. "You're right, Tenkou... Zellar-- He loves me, I..." "And you love him too, right? He'll be back, don't worry." Tenkou soothed, though she did not look completely convinced. Everyone knew that the sprite was engaged to Zellar. Tenshi seemed completely devoted to him, and he had just walked out on her. Tenkou played with her hair and gazed about the courtyard, seemingly looking at everything except the guardian sprite in front of her. "You think so?" "I know so. He needs to think about things, a lot has happened lately and he needs some space. He'll come back here. You..." Tenkou gazed at the cobblestones, and bit her lip. "You two were meant to be together." "Thank you Tenkou..." The tears had stopped, but the sprite's voice still wavered slightly. "Don't worry about it. He's sure to be back for the celebrations tonight." Tenkou looked back up, changing the subject. "Celebrations? Why, what's happening?" Tenshi asked. "You don't know? It's July the 7th, Tanabata!" "Tanabata? Oh!" Tenshi smiled. "You're right, he'd never miss the star festival." "Exactly. From what I've heard, the fair is in town tonight and there's going to be a dance as well. Everyone will be there." "I guess so..." Tenshi smiled. "And anyway, I have five hundred years worth of celebrations to catch up on." "That's the spirit! Let's go and get ready. Zellar will be back, you'll see. We want to be looking our best when he returns, right?" "Yeah!" Tenshi chimed as Tenkou led her inside. Before she shut the door, Tenkou looked back at the courtyard behind her and shook her head... Milei sighed as he watched the two of them go inside and sat down against the tree he had been hiding behind. [That penta Mr. Zellar's friend had made looked important, I bet neesan will want to know about that... Mr. Zellar sure had left in a hurry though,] Milei thought. He wondered why. [Mr. Zellar had looked so happy and then all of a sudden he had looked all tense and then ran away...] It didn't make sense to him. [Miss Tenkou had said something about a celebration later...] Milei hoped it would be a good party, so he could take his mind off all these Pentas... --ooOoo-- Satisfied that he had put enough distance between himself and Tenshi, Kurayamino slowed down to a walk. Zellar was practically screaming at him to go back, but Kurayamino ignored him, it made sense to keep his distance until Zellar had cleared his head enough to be sensible. It seemed his twin was still governed by emotion instead of common sense. If Zellar got control he would be straight back over to Tenshi, no doubt to do something stupid. Kurayamino leaned against a wall and waited for Zellar to calm down. It did not seem to be working. [You emotionless bastard, take us back!] Zellar snapped. [I can't, not yet.] [Why the hell not? Tenshi needs me...] [Because, Brother, I don't trust you to be reasonable about this.] [Me? You're the one being unreasonable!] [I think not. If I hadn't have been with you, you would have fallen for every lie your precious Tenshi had to say.] [No, but I would have at least considered her feelings instead of just discarding her and running away.] [Whatever. You need to use your head more, Zel. This 'putting other people's feelings first' crap is all well and good, but look at it this way. If something happens to us, there won't be anything left with feelings to look after.] [But nothing was going to happen, you can't be sure Tenshi is working for Yasha] [Who else would it be then?] [Our mother, maybe?] [Kuroi Hoshi? No, that's not her style. Why would she send Tenshi, who in case you hadn't noticed, everyone suspects, when she could do it herself?] [So maybe not our mother. But that doesn't mean it has to be to do with Yasha...] [You're right. It could have something to do with Shiko.] [Shiko? Her followers wouldn't bother with trickery, they'd just attack] [Look, it's not from our mother, It's not from Shiko. The only person I can think of that could be is Yasha. After all, everything seems to be pointing towards her. So where do we ditch this bauble?] [But we don't know what it is yet... It could be important] [If it's from Yasha, it's either going to be some kind a tracker or some other cursed thing that we do not want on our person. Either way, we need to get rid of it.] [And if it's not Yasha--] [Which it is...] [If it's not from Yasha, and it turns out that we really do need it, what then?] [Then we find it again. So, I'll ask you again. Where do we ditch the thing?] [We don't. We take it to Hitomi first.] [How about I drop it somewhere, we go and get Hitomi and bring her here?] [It'd be easier just to take it to her.] [Yes, but this thing is giving me a headache. I don't think we should hang onto it.] [Fine. But make sure no one else is going to find it.] [Don't worry. I suggest you get some rest. We can apologise to Tenshi later, but right now it will make it easier if you just let get on with things, okay?] [This is just as much my problem as yours, if not more so...] [Look, Yasha is using Tenshi because she knows you'll believe every word she has to say. If you aren't there to hear it, then it won't work, will it?] [I guess so... But wouldn't it be better if I heard what Hitomi has to say as well?] [Yeah, but I think we should we should let things cool down first. We'll find Hitomi at the Tanabata celebrations, later.] [I'm not sure... How do I know you wont just get rid of Tenshi's star amulet?] [You have my word, brother. Isn't that enough? All I'm asking is that you trust me, is that so difficult?] The was strange, almost pleading tone to Kurayamino's voice [I... Fine, but make sure you wake me up when you find Hitomi.] [Sure. Sleep well.] Kurayamino waited until he could no longer feel his brother's presence in the back of his mind. Once he was sure Zellar had gone, he continued into the town. [At last!] He thought. [I can finally think without that idiot going on at me all the time.] He idly wondered whether to just throw the white star away and have done with it. It would save him the bother of looking for Hitomi and he could have the night to himself, not to mention getting rid of his headache. Of course, if he lost it, and it was important, he would have a lot of explaining to do. Especially to Zellar. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't even that sure why he bothered to rejoin with that idiot... [I hope someone separates us soon,] he mused. [I'm sick of sharing my body with him. All of his stupid human emotions in my head, messing with my mind. As long as he's in there, I can't be me...] He looked around him to get his bearings and continued. It was all coming back to him now, all those years had passed, and the town was almost exactly the same as he remembered. Hadn't these people heard of progress? It was just how he imagined Zellar would like it; the whole world could change but when it comes down to it, the things that he loved would stay the same for all time. [Just look at this place,] he thought. [Cobbled streets, houses that look like something out of an historical novel... It's like they completely missed the last five hundred years...] He glanced about again, the street was empty. There were a few shops, long closed down. Who ever once owned them obviously had the sense to move to somewhere where they would get more customers. Kurayamino walked up to one of the shop fronts and peered in through a crack in the boarded up window. Through the gloom his sharp eyes could make out the outlines of the various racks and stands that once held whatever goods the shop had to sell. It seemed as good a place as any to leave the white star. Taking one last look to make sure no one was around, he tried the door. It was locked, but that was to be expected. He briefly contemplated picking the lock before deciding there wasn't really much point. He gave the door a rough shove and it crashed to the ground, sending clouds dust into the air. Kurayamino stepped back, coughing, until the dust settled once more. The Demon gingerly stepped over the old door and took a better look at the store. He wasn't sure what it used to sell, maybe clothes or weapons. As he expected, there were cobwebs everywhere, the air was filled with the smell of decay. The white star in his hand let off an ethereal glow, only noticeable in the relative darkness. Kurayamino gently placed the star under the counter and started towards the door, glad to be rid of the thing. As he moved away from it, he became aware that the dull pain in the back of his mind hadn't gone, if anything it had gotten worse... With every step it grew. Gritting his teeth he tried to ignore it. He stopped and looked back at where he had put the star... It was almost like it was calling to him... Kurayamino shrugged it off and continued out of the shop, the throbbing pain getting worse all the time until he could hardly bare it. He stopped, turned and walked back towards the star. The pain receded and he cursed as he realised what was happening. Picking up the star from he counter once more he gazed at it in the darkness. The headache almost faded completely, staying just enough to remind him it was still there. [Well, that clinches it,] He thought. [This thing must be cursed. I'll have to take it to Hitomi... Which means the Zellar was right. Damn...] He put the star in his pocket and left the shop. --ooOoo-- Yuji put his hands in his pockets and leant against the wall. "So Kyoku," he said "What now?" "I hear there's some sort of gathering happening in town. We could pay it a visit" Kyoku replied, a dark smile on his lips. "Who knows, we might even find some of those missing people" "And if not, I'm sure mistress Shiko will be grateful for anything we have to bring her" Miyami added, joining her associates in the courtyard "So we go to the celebrations, have a little 'fun' and bring back the spoils for Shiko... Hey, where's Gyoshi?" Naoto appeared noiselessly beside them. Kyoku shrugged. "He has some business to attend to. Gyoshi should be here though... It seems to me he's been spending a lot of time lately attending to 'business'..." "Yeah, it's nearly time and he never seems to be here. It's almost like he has more important things to do." Yuji mused, flicking a lock of blond hair out of his eyes. "What could be more important than the taisei?" "Nothing, Miyami. I was just making an observation. It's not like Gyoshi to be late." Yuji replied. Kyoku smiled again. It felt good to know things his fellow Kobun did not. He would tell them later of course, but right now he wasn't sure what the reaction would be if he told them Gyoshi was working with Yasha. "This is getting boring." Kyoku said, drumming his fingers on his hip. "If he doesn't turn up soon, I'm going without him..." --ooOoo-- "Here, try this one. It should fit..." Tenkou offered another one of her dresses to Tenshi to try on. They were almost the same size, though finding clothes with a low enough back for Tenshi to wear had been a slight problem. The chest of clothes Tenkou had found while exploring the hotel had been a godsend, so to speak. They were old, but Hitomi had restored them to their former glory with her magic. Finding the clothes had been lucky enough, that fact that most of them fitted almost perfectly was almost worrying. Tenshi looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. The dress was sleeveless with a high front like a halter-neck and a low cut back that allowed her wings full movement. The dress ended just above ankle and hugged the figure. It was made of silvery white silk and there were three pearls sown onto the collar. "It suites you." Tenkou said, looking in the chest for some shoes that matched her own dress. "It is nice... I hope Zellar likes it..." "I'm sure he will." Tenkou said. The dress she had chosen for herself was shorter and made of a deep violet material that went with her eyes. It was strapless and quite low cut with a flowing skirt that ended just below the knee. The black star hung around her neck, gleaming softly in the light. "Nearly ready to go?" Tenkou asked, doing up a pair of black sandals with thin straps and sliver buckles. "Yes..." Tenshi replied, giving herself one last look over. "But Zellar isn't back yet." "He'll probably meet us at the celebrations." Tenkou got up off the bed and looked at herself in the mirror. [I hope he turns up... I wonder if Atsuri will be there...] "Yeah..." Tenshi started, then trailed off. The sprite blinked and put her hand to her face. "What's wrong?" Tenkou asked, Tenshi shook her head. "Nothing... I just felt a little dizzy, that's all..." "It's probably being stuck in this musty hotel. Lets get out into the fresh air and see how you feel then." Tenkou soothed. "I guess so..." "Come on, I'm sure you'll feel better soon." --ooOoo-- The girl sighed as she reached the hotel. She hardly had any money with her and the place looked expensive. Maybe she could get a job somewhere. She sat down on the front step and thought, trying to piece together what had happened. She couldn't even remember what she had been doing before everything got dark. She looked herself over in the fading light. Judging by the dress she was wearing, it must of been something important. Maybe it was a wedding dress... [No, that's stupid... At least, I don't think I was getting married, I'd have remembered that...] She brushed the dust from where the dress had dragged on the floor and sighed. Suddenly she heard footsteps on the other side of the door. She got to her feet and backed off. Two girls emerged from the hotel. One had long black hair and violet eyes, the other girl's hair was pink and... [Wings? Either that's a very convincing costume, or my eyes are playing tricks on me...] The two girls walked past without noticing her, deep in conversation. Brushing her hair out of her eyes and looking around her to make sure she would remember the way back, Nesuni picked up her skirts and followed... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So ends part 13! Authors notes- My humblest apologies that this is so short/crap/late! I think I've done slightly better with this than I did with my last attempt... at least I hope I hope I have ^_^; Truckloads of thanks and a big hug for my pre-readers, Delfina and Philip Barkow, you deserve it. In case you missed it the first time round, Taisai = Preparations, Kobun = Henchman. Thanks to Defina for those. Tanabata is an actual festival celebrated in Japan, It is also known as the 'Star festival'. The legend behind it is that two lovers, separated by the milky way, are reunited on this night. I thought it was kinda fitting for the story. Nesuni doesn't mean anything in Japanese, but it is a corruption of the Italian word 'Nessuno', which means 'Nobody'. Extra good wishes go to Philip Barkow, who is our next author. Good luck mate! ^_^ Thank you, and goodnight! -- KT Coope Do as you will but harm none