Dark Star - Part VII - Past Love Returned by Delfina Tenkou was confused. Zellar was now more completely a demon now than before and with the merging of his two halves he was even stranger than before. While she had wanted him to be a trifle more outgoing, his new behavior was not exactly what she was expecting. He alternated between blatantly hitting on her, to an endearing shyness. Thinking upon it, she still had not decided if she liked him better. His two personalities were often in conflict and she could actually see them fighting for control. Often as not, when it came to her, Zellar seemed to be winning, stopping his demon half from actually doing anything. At the moment, he was calmly sitting beside her at the edge of the ruined fountain, while Joodan rambled on about something or other, entertaining Milei. "And then I told old Maurice that he could just take that and just...Hey, look, isn’t that one of Yasha’s minions coming over here?" Joodan remarked, as a tall figure strode into view. It was wearing a gray silk suit and to the ordinary passerby would have appeared to be an elegant, dark-haired man, but to this particular group he seemed to be something else entirely. Where smooth skin would have been, he had metallic scales. Where hair might have flowed were strands of thick cords, whipping about his monstrous head. Long claws were extended out of talons and the expression upon his face did not look friendly. "Dark Star," he intoned, "I have come for you. Yasha wishes you to surrender to her now, and she will not harm the girl." "In case you haven’t noticed, Tenkou is not under your control and I will not let any harm befall her." Zellar rejoined. "Ah, but I was not talking about the Queen of the Heavens. I was talking about a love you thought once lost. Look!" With that he gestured in the air and an image formed, of a startlingly familiar sprite with pink hair and angelic appearance. She was in the grips of a hideous device and seemed to be undergoing a particularly gruesome ordeal, yet her expression was completely at peace. Tenkou shuddered when she saw it, but was more affected by the look of rage upon Dark Star’s face. Joodan seemed to be in shock, Milei continued to play, seemingly ignorant of the situation, and the demon had an almost smug look upon his face. Unperturbed, he continued. "You see, guardian sprites are not so easily killed as you seemed to think. Did you have so little faith? A mere explosion cannot destroy a spirit, even though she might be imprisoned. My, I am astonished. You have been desolate for ages not knowing how to be reunited with her, when all you had to do was destroy her stony prison." "You lie, demon! That cannot be Tenshi!" Zellar screamed, trying to deny the demon’s awful words, yet somehow knowing it was the truth. Perhaps the explosion had been her release after all, and if it was he could find some consolation in the fact that he had been the one to free her. Yet he still felt guilt if that was really she at the hands of his most hated enemy. While he had an obligation to Tenshi, he now had one towards Tenkou as well. "Very well, what can I possibly do to prove to you her identity, hm? Maybe this would help..." and he extended a hand containing a beautiful soft lock of pink hair. His hand trembling, Zellar reached for it. "There are more of those where that came from. Now I don’t suppose you’ll rethink your position, because I can surely provide you with more of those until the lovely lady has no more." Zellar examined the lock and realized it was indeed Tenshi’s. "There is no need. I believe you. Tell me what I must do." * * * Across the square, Kuroi Hoshi observed the events transpiring. She felt sympathy for her son, and realized that this new complication would hinder their reunion. The spy was gleefully playing the innocent and the demon who had brought the lock looked formidable, one of Yasha’s top generals. Yasha must be really desperate to get her hands on her son. She had known about Tenshi’s release, but did not know Yasha had captured her until now. Perhaps she ought to do something about that and free her son’s mind of his undeserved guilt. Tenkou had just come into his life and she thought that she was a good influence. She had researched the girl and genuinely liked her. While Tenshi had been tolerable, she was too sweet and insipid for her son; Zellar needed someone strong like Tenkou. Now, to find her way into Yasha’s headquarters...The general was apparently giving the stunned Zellar some instructions, straining her senses she listened in. "You will agree to become one of Yasha’s generals and fight for her in her bid for control of all. Also, you must swear to never turn against her and be loyal for the rest of your days. All of your power will be as hers, you will only use it for her purposes. Yasha also wishes for someone to rule by her side, and she is hoping that would be you." She saw Zellar grit his teeth at this last, and say, "What do I get out of this arrangement?" "Your sprite will go free." Tenkou interrupted, "Zellar, you can’t do this! We can free her somehow, I know it! Don’t swear allegiance to Yasha! If it weren’t for her none of this would have happened in the first place!" Zellar ignored her. "And what about Tenkou? And how do I know that you won’t harm Tenshi again?" "Yasha gives her word that she will not harm Tenkou or Tenshi after she is released." The general said calmly. "Now, would you like to go with me now, or would you like to think upon Yasha’s offer a bit more?" Tenkou’s eyes were pleading and glistening with tears as she grasped Zellar’s arm. "This is Yasha! How do you know that she will keep her word? She isn’t exactly known for being trustworthy! Please, take care!" Zellar looked at her expression and sighed. "Let me think upon it." "Very well. We will give you three days. If you decide not to cooperate and accept this magnanimous gesture on the part of Yasha, know that the sprite will die, as will all else dear to you. Have a good day." With that, the demon bowed and walked off. Zellar and his party were too distraught to pay attention, but Kuroi was not. She unobtrusively followed the general and made note of his path. She had only three days to rescue the sprite and bring her back to Zellar. He would need to protect the Queen of Heaven with no distractions. If his overly emotional human half that was still somewhat in the past did not realize that, his cool and logical demon half would. She both blessed and cursed the day she fell in love with a the mortal that was his father. Now all she could do to make up for her years of forced neglect was this simple task. Perhaps that would make up somewhat for the necessary separation. She summoned a portal of darkness and stepped through to search Yasha’s realm and stalk the unwitting general, whom she was certain would lead her to the girl. * * * Meanwhile, Tenkou and Joodan were doing all that they could to persuade Zellar not to take up Yasha’s offer. Milei was playing nearby. "You know, Yasha is known for double-crossings! Besides, I can protect Tenkou here just as well as you can, I mean I am a servant of the gods you know," Joodan was saying. "You can go find your old girlfriend and we’ll be fine!" While inwardly Tenkou cringed at the idea of being protected by Joodan, she did agree with him that Zellar should not accept Yasha’s ‘offer’. She didn’t intend to let him go by himself on his search for Tenshi however, even if he were at full power. She didn’t want to risk losing him. Casting a sideways glance at him, she noticed that he seemed to be having a great internal struggle. She would give greatly to know what was going in his head right now. * * * What was going on in his head right now was an argument between his two selves. Zellar, out of the love he bore for Tenshi, and Tenkou, wanted to protect them both by taking Yasha’s offer, or to rescue Tenshi and leave Tenkou somewhere safe. His other half was being coldly analytical about the situation. "You cannot just barge into Yasha’s realm and clumsily stumble about searching for Tenshi. We’ve never been there and you wouldn’t have the slightest idea of how to find her. Much less get her out alive. You don’t even know if she is alive, the lock could have been pulled off of her dead body for all we know, centuries ago!" "Yes, but I can’t just leave her there, especially when she could be alive! All those years, wasted!" "What about Tenkou? We have feelings for her too, and she is the Queen of Heaven. We are sworn to protect her, for the children of the stars are the only ones who can. And Yasha would certainly know if we were to enter her realm, for you see she has absolute power there, unlike Maurice’s realm, which is ruled by bureaucrats and committees. Of course Maurice wouldn’t kidnap one of his own workers and torture her either...But I digress. We have to stay with Tenkou. Are you agreed? I promise that we’ll think of some way to get Tenshi back." Resigned, Zellar nodded his affirmation. "Good. Now, maybe Joodan can think of something, after all, Tenshi and he work for the same organization." "Somehow that doesn’t give me much hope." * * * Kuroi blended in with the darkness, and trailed behind the general. She had heard many screams and cries throughout her journey, but did not pay them any heed. They were commonplace here after all. Suspecting that he would check in with his queen first, she was especially careful not to be detected. Knowing Yasha however, meant that she would probably be with the sprite overseeing the torture. Hoping that her instincts were correct, she kept on. The tunnels were winding and labyrinthine. She mentally traced her steps so that she would be able to return the way she came with the girl. Soon, she and her unknowing guide came to a hallway in which feminine screaming echoed. Steeling herself, Kuroi realized they must be close. The general came to an open doorway and peered inside. Kuroi hid in the abundant shadows and listened to his conversation. "My queen, I have returned. I have given him the offer as you requested." "Good job, Kousenteki. What was his response?" A scream rent the air, but did not disturb their conversation. "He wanted a promise that you would not harm Tenshi or Tenkou." A hideous laugh joined the screams. "How droll! Well, I hope you told him I would give my word to do it. Of course I never honor my word, but he is so trusting...Say whatever you can to get him to agree." "Of course, my queen." "Very good. Tenshi here is almost at the edge, we shall leave her to rest some before we start in again. She will break soon. I have dismissed Gyoshi and am personally overseeing her. Shall we go?" Kuroi slunk back as the queen left escorted by the general Kousenteki. Neither noticed her. She waited until she was sure they were gone, and then she cautiously entered the open door into the room where Tenshi was held captive. Even with all her experience, she was not prepared for this sight. Manacled and chained to a device out of nightmares, was the once beautiful sprite. Her luminous violet eyes were red with shed tears, but were lit up with determination. Her white gown was now gray and torn, with spots of dried blood here and there. Her hair was tangled and hung in greasy hanks from her head. Altogether, she was a pitiful sight, but the fire in her eyes belied the outward appearance. She brought her head up and looked straight at Kuroi. "Who are you?" she croaked out, in a voice once musical but now cracked and sore from screaming. Kuroi reassessed her opinion of the girl. Perhaps she wasn’t as weak as she thought she was. "I am a friend, or as close to one as you have right now. You are being used as a pawn to lure Zellar to Yasha’s side, and I do not wish for that to happen. Therefore, I will free you." Tenshi nodded in understanding. "Thank you." "There is no need for thanks, since I do not do this for your sake, but it is a nice gesture all the same." With that said, Kuroi proceeded to free Tenshi, unlocking the manacles with the keys conveniently left behind by the arrogant queen, who thought no one would dare enter her demesnes and retrieve her hostage. It was almost laughable. Once Tenshi was free of her bonds, she collapsed onto Kuroi, forcing her to support the girl. "I am sorry, madam...it has been so long since I have been here it seems." Tenshi said, apologetically. "No need, this was only to be expected once seeing your condition. Just be silent and we will escape without discovery. If only you weren’t wearing that white gown..." Kuroi trailed off as she searched the room for something to cover Tenshi with. "I believe the executioner’s black robes are in that closet, madam," Tenshi offered. "Perfect!" Kuroi said, as she seized one of the robes mentioned and wrapped Tenshi in it. "Now, let us make haste before we are discovered. I may be the best thief and infiltrator there is, but a little head start won’t hurt us at all." With that said she and Tenshi hurried as best they could through the mazelike corridors.