===== CEPHIED ===== by John Evans, jevans@alum.mit.edu a Beware the Radish production http://www.chaoseed.com/btr/ ===== "How much longer?" The man in the wide-brimmed hat sighed. "Almost there. I promise." The girl pouted. "I hope so." The man played with the brim of his hat. "Hey, Dale." "I keep telling you, it's pronounced 'DAH-lay'," the last member of the party snapped. The first man shrugged. "Dale, whatever. What is it that you're looking for again?" Dale looked at the rows of stone monoliths, as they trudged through the sand. "A recipe." "...Huh? A recipe?" "Yeah, that's right. I'm a cook. I want the best recipe in the world." The first man looked at the other's flowing white robes. "So you're a chef?" Dale rolled his eyes. "Why *else* would I want a recipe?" "Well, I mean, you're not dressed like a chef." He jerked his thumb at the girl. "*She's* dressed like a chef. Sort of." "Well, she's my apprentice." "I see." The girl smiled, her white chef's hat a strange contrast to the rest of her brightly colored, skimpy outfit. "I just started last week! Being a prostitute just didn't agree with me." "Aha, I see." The first man rubbed his face. "Lilipea has admirable dedication," Dale said, sounding just a little defensive. "Does she have any, like, cooking skill?" "Oh, anyone can learn that." "Have you asked her to cook anything yet?" "There's time enough." "Mmmm-hm." The man in the hat sighed, then blinked and stopped walking. "Hold on. I think we're here." "What?" The other two stopped alongside him. "Are you sure?" "No mistake about it." He reached out and ran his hands along the symbols of a particular stone monument. "This is the one that old woman gave you directions to. Hopefully she gave you the *correct* directions." "Great! Oh, I asked her quite specifically," Dale said. "But are you sure you can translate it?" "Of course!" the almost-named man scoffed. "I've spent my life studying the Claire Bibles, they're supposed to have all the knowledge in the world. I'll find out what this recipe is, or my name isn't Larlgon Tyler." The now- named Tyler peered at the symbols. "Now let me...hm. Now that's interesting." "Hm? What is it?" Lilipea asked, peering over his shoulder. "This...I can't believe it." Tyler's eyes widened. "This is incredible!" ===== TO BE CONTINUED